Chapter 5
“That is the real news.”Jack replied.” It seems that he has seen in his visions a party of Russian and Mongols riders crossing the steppe and stopping in one place, deliberate there and start digging and then deposit their cargo in the hole they had opened in the bed of sand and stones. Finally, after smoothing the terrain and making certain marks, they returned along the road they had come through.
“And can the Siberian recognize the site?" asked Dennis.
“Yes, for certain mountainous formations on the horizon and the marks left on the ground."
"And that vision ... was it not produced by vodka?" Debbie's question actually represented a general doubt.
“The Siberian shamans do not act because of the influence of alcohol but of certain herbs that they burn in their sessions."
"In all likelihood, yes. What is not an obstacle for Bodniev having a history of findings that statistically cannot come from chance."
“Has he indicated the area of the presumed treasure?"
“ In general terms yes, but he must be present at the moment of the search to recognize the site using his methods."
"What methods are those?" Debbie insisted on her skepticism.
“The man is also a rabdomant."
“ Those who use a Y-shaped tree branch to find water? There are people like that in Argentina.” added Martín
“ Yes, although I do not know what instrument he actually uses. They usually have pendulums of some kind, often very primitive devices."
A silence extended for several minutes while his five interlocutors processed the consequences of the narration made by Jack.
"Well, what's Bluthund's plan now?" asked Dennis.
“To organize an expedition to the area in question, in the border between Mongolia and China. They are looking for resources to finance it, government permits to work in both countries in excavations and related tasks under an archaeological pretext, and finally find volunteers within the organization to carry them out." Jack looked at his companions and continued.
“The question is if we can count on you."
The statement remained on the air while the group remained silent. Finally Dennis took the responsibility of giving a transitory response.
“ Let us discuss this between us. We will contact you when we have made a decision. How will we do it?"
“As I already explained, we are looking with Lakshmi to be able to live without endangering her or the girl. I hope to have news soon. Call her, anyway I'll keep you updated."
At that moment, the sky darkened and a cold rain began to fall that in a few instants turned into hail. Jack got up and covered himself in his hooded waterproof jacket.
“Now I must go."
“You cannot leave in the middle of this storm.” Dennis said pointing to the lightnings in the sky. "Come with us and wait in the car until it is over."
"No, thanks, I'll be fine. I am already used to fighting with harsh climate conditions in the open air." The man embraced Deborah and Dennis and greeted Selma and Martín; then without another word he walked towards the forest and into the grove. A hailstorm of medium-sized stones fell on the five companions who hastily picked up the tablecloth and the items they had used at the picnic and ran across the short distance to the car, locking themselves immediately in it, waiting to let the storm pass before heading back.
"What will happen to Jack in the middle of this storm!" Debbie exclaimed with a hint of anguish in her voice.
“Let´s have faith in his resources to fight in adverse media." answered Dennis. "He has survived many setbacks in his life ... and yet he continues to look for new challenges."
Since she was visualizing him on the television screen of the device, when Martín rang the doorbell of his relative's apartment he heard almost immediately Deborah's voice that opened the door without asking him to identify himself. She told him at once.
“Come in. We are all here already."
While the elevator was taking him to his relative's flat, Martín mentally reviewed the latest events. The previous night he had hardly been able to sleep because of the excitement of the decision he had just made. He was fully aware that he was getting ready to start an adventure as he had never had in his life, and that most of his friends and companions of his age could not dream of. Travel to the frozen deserts of Mongolia, located almost at the antipodes of his own country in the company of a group of explorers belonging to an informal group whose binder was constituted by the management of disciplines other than the sciences and commonly accepted techniques, with the purpose to meet a Siberian shaman who would guide them in the search for a treasure of a legendary adventurer who had seized Mongolia for a failed project of monarchical restoration in the middle of the Eurasian continent. It was difficult for the young man to size up the challenge before him.
Martín was not unaware that the project was full of uncertainty and dangers, especially because the areas to which they were traveling were populated by tribes of ways of life and governed by political systems very different from what constituted his experience.
The elevator finally reached the indicated floor and the young man crossed the short corridor and pressed the bell of the apartment. His soul and mind were filled with joy and anxiety. Debbie opened the door.
"So you agree to come with us?" asked Dennis in a somewhat formal manner."
The man approached and gave him a hug that squeezed his bones. Martín was though more surprised by the kisses given on his cheeks by Debbie and Selma; it seemed to him that his acceptance had triggered a kind of initiation ceremony to some sort of Hermetic society, although in truth he did not have much information about it. The contact with the soft skin of the women however was pleasant and reminded him of certain experiences that had become somewhat distant.
Dennis and his girlfriend had prepared in the woman´s notebook a check list of topics that needed to be addressed before they could leave the US. Everyone sat around the computer and made comments while Debbie read the items.
“ ... then, who is going to take over the task of finding out the requirements to obtain Chinese visas?"
Selma raised a hand.
“Remember to find out if those visas will allow us to move freely through the country hinterland, including the Chinese Inner Mongolia and Tibet.
“ Who will do the same for the visa of the Republic of Mongolia?
“All right. I'll do it." Dennis said." The first thing is to know if there is a Mongol consulate in New York.
“Yes. It's on 77th Street." said Martín after consulting his cell phone.
"Now that I think about it." added Dennis, addressing his family member. "Have you asked permission for your family in Buenos Aires to travel to the Far East?"
“I have not asked permission but I have informed my parents. As long as they do not have to finance the trip, they can not oppose it."
"And what about you?" The man reiterated the question referring to Selma.
“Mom is quite nervous, but the fact that Debbie comes with us will reassure her ... eventually."
“I will talk to Mom.” Said the older sister.” You are already of legal age, she can not oppose."
“What about the equipment, tents, sleeping bags, mountain equipment? ...” continued listing Debbie.
"Can´t we rent it, be it here or in China?" asked Selma.
“No. We must have our own equipment.”
Answered Dennis.
“I have already asked my family to send me all my Patagonian trekking equipment from Buenos Aires.” Martín added.
“ Do you have mountains in Argentina? I only knew about the pampas.” Selma confessed her geographical confusion.
“The highest mountains outside the Himalayas are in the Andes, exactly on the border between Argentina and Chile."
The afternoon continued with the distribution of tasks that seemed endless. The feeling that the following week would be extremely busy spread among the expedition members.