Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Batbayar shifted uncomfortably on the floor where he was sitting.

“You must tell us everything." Urged Jack. "You, your men and our group are risking our lives together in this adventure."

Batbayar reflected for a moment and then his face showed that he had made a decision.

“Tsegseg is the firstborn daughter and heiress of the head of our horde."

“Who is the boss of that horde?" inquired Bodniev.

“Ata Khan.” replied succinctly Batbayar. The Russian let out an exhalation, then added.

“All right. Go on."

“Tsegseg is a beautiful young woman but has been raised by Buddhist monks as a warrior. Her father has prepared her to assume the direction of the horde, since he plans to retire soon to a monastery."

“ How did you both join our group? “ Asked Jack. "Who recruited you?"