Lothar awoke in the dark. His body was hurt and numb with cold. He tried to sit up but mobility was painful. He heard the roar of the storm but found that at least he was not wet. He looked at the front and saw the lightning shedding clarity on a rocky irregular contour; only then he realized that he was inside a cave whose depth he ignored, but for that moment put him under cover of the storm. He remembered vaguely having stumbled on a rock while descending the steep mountainside, but then his mind was darkened. He resigned himself to let time pass and wait until his body indicated that he could move. Lothar fell again unconscious for an undetermined period.
When he finally awoke a ray of sun coming through the opening in front of him was warming his legs. He slowly got up and sat on the floor. He scanned the place where he was and saw that it was actually a kind of shallow cave, carved by the atmospheric elements over millennia. He managed to get up grasping the wall roughness and took a few steps toward the cave mouth. What he saw from there gave him vertigo and he had to take a step back. The mountainside abruptly fell vertically from a height of over three hundred feet and below he could see the foam generated by the beating of the waves against the reef. The man wondered how it was possible that in his fall down the slope he had hit the cave; no doubt that unlikely fact had saved his life. He peeked out again and this time carefully looked up; a kind of natural channel coming from the top of the mountain led directly to the cave door; he figured it was possibly part of a seasonal water course. He felt his stomach shrugged when he realized that he owed his life to this to this minimum ramp.
More focused and awake he stepped back inside to ponder what to do. It was obvious that he should carefully descend the slope, a ask that looked up as impracticable. He rested a moment longer and then took forces and headed for the exit. At that time his foot hit something, which made his heart beat hastily due to the possible consequences of a slip. He knelt and removing the layer of sand that the wind had certainly placed in the cave over centuries unearthed what looked like a piece of wood badly damaged by the pass of time and the action of weather; he noticed that the object actually seemed to be a piece of board, perhaps belonging to a boat. He shook the object to remove the remaining sand and watched in awe strange signs carved in the wood. Watching them carefully he could barely contain an exclamation. No doubt what he was looking at were four rows of runes arranged along the timber. Finally, in a completely fortuitous way he had made the discovery that was denied when he was with the Heidenstam group. Once the excitement produced by the finding calmed down Lothar resolved to return to his project to go down the mountain. The man put the piece of wood in his pants waist as he needed free hands for the descent.
He kept descending for a very long time because he had to carefully measure each step, since a mistake could be fatal. Finally he reached a point where he realized that the downward path ended while he still was at a height of about one hundred feet over the sea. Down below a small sandy beach shone surrounded by jagged rocks. As his body could no longer stand that position Lothar decided to jump down, but he realized it was critical to fall in the small beach to avoid being torn by the rocks. His hands let go the stone wall they were grasping and the man dropped into the void.