
28- UOK

Mama you're okay now.

You're safe now, okay.

You're in a better place now.

I'll see you another day now.


Bonjour everyone!!

Everyone, bonjour!!

Why I'm so happy?, well today is the twelfth day into the month of September and guess what?

It's also my birthday.

Give me an A!

Hahaha. So much for beginning to take responsibility.

Did I make mention that today was also the day I was allowed to take my babies home.

Yay us!

They've finally completed nine whole months!

They're so grown up.

*Sniffles tears*

" The earlier you realize that talking to a mirror is the first sign of insanity, the safer it is for Jan and June" Mom stated with a ghost smile on her face as she leaned against my door.

Her signature silk nightgown still gracing her slender body.

"Mama you're a grandma!!" I jumped to face her with exasperation then ran to give her a bone crushing hug.