Chapter 9

smut content warning. Moderate

"Dad... please don't be mad."

I looked up and I saw Aaron. He had grown a beard and his eyes reflected pain and hurt. An indication something was wrong. Dave stood up and looked at him pleadingly and he nodded

"I'm not mad my boy. I need to talk to Lexi alone; Uncle Gavin and Aunty Tina are waiting for you at the restaurant ."

David gave Aaron a hug and he hugged him back kissing the top of his head.

"I love you dad."

" I love you too Dave. We will talk later okay?"

"Yes sir."

When they broke their embrace; David smiled, waved goodbye to me and I waved back . My feet were still in the water, reason being it was quiet hot and the cold water was helping. As soon as we were left alone I felt a tad bit scared with good reason, because Aaron sat next to me and said nothing for the first couple of minutes. He was uncomfortably silent, and I knew I was going to get an ear full for not returning any of his calls and texts. I about to reach for my boots but Aaron reached for my hand and held it gently and kissed it. His beard was soft and ticklish ; I couldn't help but react to the sensation . My heart rate had already spiked up and I was feeling hot and bothered in a good way.

" Lexi ."


Aaron moved closer and slid his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him. I was ankle deep inside the water and something felt strange but I brushed it off . Aaron still had his shoes on and he was wearing black shorts and a sky blue golf shirt. He still looked hot and his hair had grown a bit longer making him look even hotter .

" please tell me what I did wrong so I can fix my mistake."

I locked eyes with him he took a deep breath before I could speak;

" Nothing ... you did nothing wrong my babe. I am just scared of jumping ... I also needed to sort out my feelings."

" Have they changed ?"

" No Abro they haven't . "

" I am in love with you."

"I am in love with you too Aaron and I am so scared..."

Before I could complete my sentence he kissed me gently ; slow and sweet taking his time and not acting on impulse like the first time he kissed me . when he pulled back he left my lips tingling and wanting more. He kissed me like he meant it; and his brown eyes had gone a shade darker. I was on fire and speechless. I looked at him and he kissed my forehead and looked at me.

" I love you . Will you be mine Lexi?"

I pulled my feet out of the lake and Aaron looked at me calmly. I knew he wouldn't flip if I said no because he will not stop.

He is not the type of guy you give a challenge to and expect him not to try and do whatever it takes to win.

I picked up my boots and stood up Aaron followed suit I closed my eyes and looked at him again.


" You said yes..."

"Hmm ."

" Promise me not to do what you've been doing the past two weeks? "

I dropped my boots and gave Aaron a hug he responded by hugging me back and holding me close.

"I promise Abro."

" I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. I am sorry."

I buried my head into his chest and he smelt of Aaron... only different this time.

" No need to apologize my baby love. Please just talk to me next time .I don't bite ."

I chuckled and leaned back to look at him; he slid his hands from my back to my waist to hold me steady; my body was already betraying me because from feeling all hot and bothered not to mention giddy I wanted Aaron so badly and it wasn't helping that I was wearing a knee high black linen t-shirt dress .

"No you nibble and suck and I don't know what else you can do..."

I looked down and saw Aarons shorts tenting up. Luckily there was no one around . I locked eyes with him and he pulled back rubbed the back of his head and took a deep breath. He looked a tad bit embarrassed.

" I am so sorry . It has a habit of doing that when you're around. My body tends to go crazy at the thought of you imagine what's going on right now ."

" I get kind of drenched too so you're not alone ."

" I can clean you up."

My feet were dry and I bent down right in front of Abro to slide both boots on and lace them up. He gave me his hand and I hoisted myself up and started walking back to where I was staying .

" Well I need to get cleaned up and changed before dinner."

" Alexis ..."


" Dinner is in two hours ."

"hmm and most of the guests are out sightseeing ."

"Dave is with Tina and Gavin for a fitting. I used the golf cart to get here ."

We walked to where he had parked and we both hopped in . I was quiet for most of the ride and as soon as Aaron parked the cart and we got out by the hotel in the estate . when we entered the lobby I was feeling a bit dizzy and thirsty I went to the table to go get water . Aaron couldn't keep his hands of me.

"Aaron ?"

"Sexy Lexi ."

" I am not a fan of PDA.".

"I know ; that's why I don't have my hand on your cute behind."

" You mean my big behind."

'Beautiful behind ... besides you are much more thinner than the last time I saw you."

We walked into the elevator and we made it to the floor we were staying in. I gave Aaron a kiss and he kissed me back, before we knew it we were on a kissing frenzy. I tried to control myself but I couldn't. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me steady with one hand and opened the door with the other one as soon as he closed my hotel room door he pinned me against the door and broke our kiss . Something felt off about my room it felt like we weren't alone .

"Abro ."

"Lexi ."

" Wait."

Aaron reluctantly pulled back and looked at me with concern etched on his face . He kissed me gently and I kissed him back still attached to him. I placed my hands on his broad shoulders and looked at him. .

"Two weeks was long enough . What's wrong ?"

" I don't think we are alone."

"We are . I'll prove it."

" Aaron ..."

I was in between catching my breath and trying to make sense of what was going on when he started kissing my collar bone, my weak spot . I don't know why but it felt like he knew my body's print.

" Hush Lexi."


I pulled back and kissed his neck moving lower towards the base I started biting him gently.

" Lexi don't do that please don't ..."

" why ?"

" Just don't . I will tell you why later"

I pulled back and did the same to the other side, biting him a bit harder. Aaron took in a sharp breath.

"Hmm I want more ."

" Take as much as you want I'm all yours Abro."

" I'm going to take you ;on the couch, on the table, on the wall , on the bed and every inch of this hotel room."

Aaron wanted me as much as I wanted him. He laid me on the couch and hovered over e me . I giggled when he kissed me again. He had both his hands underneath my dress playing with the hem of my black lace boy leg undies and tickling my thigh.

"Stop teasing me . "

"Only if you promise not to do what you did to me for the past two weeks ... I am serious."

I held his head gently and locked eyes with him .

" I won't ."

He nodded his head and moved lower keeping eye contact with me ."

"Okay I need an appetizer first before I feast."

"Shirt off first."

Aaron pulled his shirt over his head and smiled at me salaciously.

"I see you haven't changed your bossy ways... I like that . I love you."

" Love you too Abro."

" Dress off ."

I stretched my hands up and just before he could unzip my dress someone spoke.

" What the hell !?"

"Who the hell are you!?"

I recognized the voice and my heart sank . what was he doing back home . He shouldn't be here he should be far away. Why now ?

" You get off her !"

The guy yanked Aaron away from me and all hell broke loose. He threw the first punch and Aaron retaliated by punching him back . A fist fight broke out and I went into total shock.

" She is my girlfriend."

" You landed her in hospital and left her when she needed you the most."

" I am not Simon!"

The guy started going in full force at Aaron pinning him down on the floor and man handling him.

I couldn't let him hurt Aaron. I started crying and I couldn't stop.

"Caleb stop , please stop!"

I started feeling dizzy and getting sweaty palms . I couldn't control my breathing ; I couldn't catch my breath and I started re-living the night I got attacked . I t was like a trigger that just went off everything I went through the night I lost my baby,came back to me. I located my boots quickly slipped them on, grabbed my car keys left my phone, and ran out my hotel room . I didn't wait for the elevator ; I took the stairs straight down to the parking bay and on my way to the car I ran into someone by mistake . I should've watched where I was going but he caught me, before I could trip and fall flat on my bottom he gave me a hug. All I could do was cry.

© #KCMmuoe

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