Chapter 22: Unexpected emotions

Chapter 22: Unexpected emotions


I never expected to come into his room─ nevertheless, kiss him. However, as I stood there with my eyes glued to his powerful form, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to kiss him. Biting my lip, I watch as a droplet of water slides down his corded neck, and muscled chest until it disappears down the firm contours of his tight abs.

My mind shut down, so I went with my instincts, threw my arms around his neck, and kissed him. He was surprised at first, but eventually, he gave in. A sigh escapes my lips when he tightens his arms around me and pushes me against the door. I tilt my head, biting his lower lip and dip my tongue into his mouth. He groans, sucking my tongue and bites my lower lip. The kiss is better than the last one.