Chapter 32: Change the rules

Chapter 32: Change the rules


“Wake up, sleepyhead.” I blink my eyes open to see my brother sitting next to me on the bed. “Hey? How did I get here?” I gaze down at my blanket-covered body, confused. Connor takes my hand and leans close to me with a proud grin. “We’re back in Priest’s garage. Declan carried you up here and tucked you into the bed.” I bite my lip and take a deep breath. “How long have I been asleep?” Connor smirks. “Almost two days, Sleeping Beauty. Priest said to let you sleep. The drug that crazy old witch gave you was still metabolizing through your system. Declan and Priest told me you were a total badass. That they didn’t have to save you because you were about to break out of that place on your own.”