
I was playing cricket in my college field with my friends in the evening. I was always good at studies as well as sports. It was our daily practice to play cricket or sometimes football after college. I was always enthusiastic when it was about sports. I was doing the fielding that day when suddenly I heard my phone ringing inside my bag, but the bag was lying on the bench outside the ground. I was standing near the sitting bench, but I didn’t want to leave my position so, I just ignored it and kept focusing on my game. I could feel the cool breeze touching my body; it was not hot summer anymore as the winter was coming.

We played for around two hours and stopped when it got dark. We decided to go to the University canteen to eat something. I was not the kind of guy who could easily mingle in society, but my friends were everything to me. I could effortlessly spend any amount of time with them, but at the same time, I never invited any of my friends to my house. I didn’t know the reason for that, but they never questioned me for that; it was like they could understand me. We were sitting on the canteen chairs, talking, laughing, and discussing our winter plans. I was happy. We left the place around eight p.m. and said goodbye to each other until the next morning. By the time I reached home, it was half-past eight p.m. I went straight to my room, threw my sports bag on the bed, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I didn’t check the phone by then too. I came out of the bathroom and went downstairs. I wasn’t much hungry as I ate in the canteen, but it was the order of my mom never to skip dinner at home, and no one in the house could ignore her order. So, I sat there at the dining table in front of my mom and dad. I tried to eat as much as my stomach could allow me. After dinner, my dad asked me some general questions regarding my study, and about my day and I answered casually. It was our routine that we used to follow after our dinner.

I came back into my room after around an hour and straight lay down on my bed; I was exhausted. Then I remembered the phone and took it out of my sports bag. I saw that there was one missed call flashing on it; it was from an unknown number. I thought to call that number back but then dismissed the idea as I didn’t find that necessary. I also thought to block the number as it seemed a scam to me, but I neglected that thought too. I wish I hadn’t done that. I wish I had listened to my inner voice at least once in my life.