" little bo peep, has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them"
That's all she had been doing all day, singing rhymes and short songs that popped into her head as she scrunched up her body by the window and peered outside.
" leave them alone and they'll come home, bringing their tails behind them"
She was lonely.
As little as she was, an emptiness sat in the core of her stomach and burned deep to her heart.
Silent tears were still dripping from her cerulean blue eyes and from time to time, she slowly wiped them away.
She looked white, very pale and sickly. Her skin could pass off as a piece of white sandpaper or even cardboard.
As the only man she had gotten used to sat across the room from her and watched her frail figure tremble.
From cold or fear, he wasn't sure.
But one thing he was sure of was if Soldo didn't kill this girl first, the anaemia was sure to.