
Chapter 41: Thank goodness that’s over

Chapter 41: Thank goodness that’s over


“…And the winner of the 2015 Ms. Arcata High Pageant, and recipient of the Fallen Scholarship is…Ms. Amara Vega!”

I roll my eyes as my boyfriend cups his hands over his mouth and pretends to be a cheering crowd. Juliet, Carrick, and Haley join in and hoot and holler along with Kell. Removing the crown from my head, I lay it over my lap and blow out a strand of hair from my face. “Okay, guys enough.”

Kell takes my hand and chuckles exuberantly. “Aww, come on, beauty queen, we’re just excited that you won.”

I smile shyly and rest my head on his shoulder. “Thank you for being there,” I lay a kiss on his cheek, then turn to my friends. “Thank you all. It was really fun.”

Carrick whoops from the driver’s seat of the car and winks at me from the rearview mirror. Haley and Juliet both giggle in exhilaration. Juliet wiggles in her seat like an excited puppy and wraps her arms around my neck. “Oh, you know we love you, girl.”