Chapter 8

I decided tonight I would make it up to Mike for the last date. Not that he would have been aware anything went wrong last time, I think he thought it went rather well last time.

"Looking well. Are you seeing Mike tonight?" Lee-Ann asked me as I walking down the stairs to the living room. She was there watching TV with kids. They watched one of those shows that I always made an excuse to miss.

"Yes, we are off to movies and dinner after."

"Oh, be home by midnight." She winced, I knew she was joking. She didn't care really as long as I came in quietly and didn't wake up the children or her.

"Don't worry, I will be back before I change into a pumpkin."

"It's not you, that would be your car, which is my car, which means, yes, please do come back before it turns back into a pumpkin." She started to laugh and I joined in.

"No worries then, I am just going to walk anyway. It's not that far." And I left them before Lee-Ann could say anything more.

It was still relatively warm, no rain, so the walk to the town was pleasant. Mike was already waiting in front of the cinema entrance. He looked very happy to see me and for a moment he reminded me of a little cute puppy excited at the sight of his owner. He kissed me to say hi and I hugged him. He pulled away as if he were afraid we were about to have a make-out session right there, where anyone could see us. Clearly, I made an impression the last time - I just wasn't sure if I should be happy about it.

"Hmmm, we should do this a bit more often," I said instead of a hi.

"Nice to see you too," he replied, smiling.

"Have you bought the tickets?"

"Yep. Just popcorn needed."

"Aren't we going for dinner after?" I asked because I thought that was the plan. I never understood this popcorn obsession. Though I loved popcorn - it was a true gift of humanity to the world. Except in the cinema, it created a sort of lots of crunching and munching and was quite overpriced.

"Whatever your heart desires," he said theatrically.

I started to laugh - "OK Mike, let's just start with the popcorn then."

Mike took my hand and we started to go upstairs to pick up some popcorn. Looking at the size of the portions, I had the impression that maybe the dinner was not exactly a part of tonight's plan, but Mike just smiled. I usually enjoyed my time with him, but I was a bit surprised when I found out what we were going to see - an action movie. Wasn't this a second date? I was not sure how explosions and people kicking each other would get me in a mood for something more than just a dinner.

I hurried Mike inside, so we sat down before the commercials start. That was my favourite part of a cinema trip if I were honest. Some of the commercials were plain funny and the trailers were interesting to watch. Often the movies were fun as long as they lasted 2 minutes. We sat a bit in the back and as the lights dimmed for the main movie, I leaned in on Mike.

As usual, there were some latecomers coming at the very last minute - I guess people sometimes struggle with timekeeping and are not interested in being considered at all. I sighted and Mike hugged me a bit tighter. Maybe the movie would not be boring after all.

Suddenly someone sat down right next to me. Well, someone - it was Jake. I could see his silhouette when he was a bit further, but I decided to ignore him, hoping it was simply coincidence. As if anything with him were a coincidence. Then, he just kept walking to us and it was harder and harder to ignore him.

"Sorry, I am late, Jane." He whispered into my ear, loud enough for Mike to hear. "Hi Mike," he added as if they were the best friends. Then he sat back suddenly very interested in the movie.

Mike looked at him and then at me. I was not sure if he looked puzzled or annoyed.

"I am sorry, Mike, I haven't invited him or anything. He just sat down next to me when he saw us I guess." I tried to explain.

"Who is he?"

"I am just a good friend." Jake offered whispering loudly, looking like he was trying to help. Someone tried to shush us. I wanted to punch Jake and kick him out of the seat. Unfortunately, I didn't have the feeling it would help - certainly not with Mike watching it all happen.

"Just ignore him," I whispered to Mike and I rested my head on his shoulder, almost kissing his neck. A few kisses later, Mike forgot about Jake, who was sitting absolutely still next to us. I ignored Jake successfully for the rest of the movie.

I was not sure what the movie was exactly about and I hoped that Mike paid more attention to my occasional kisses than to the plot. I could have felt how Jake stiffed every time I touched Mike's face or exchanged a kiss with him. If I were honest, it was part of the fun. Maybe the bigger part than it should have been. When the movie ended, I was glad it was over. I hated Jake for making me feel guilty. I felt this was yet another date going totally wrong.

"Well, that's about it. Interesting movie. Which part did you like the most?" Jake said while the scores were still running on the screen. To be fair, people were already leaving, but I felt it was too early. I looked at him, hoping that he would disappear. Honestly, if there were some witch super power I ever wanted to have, it would had been the power to make things and annoying people, like Jake, disappear. Jake looked like he was absolutely honest, his face was lit with anticipation as if he wanted to discuss the movie. He was looking straight at Mike.

"It's hard to choose just one. So many good twists." Mike responded coolly. Jake nodded, suddenly it seemed to be best friends with Mike. In a way, I felt satisfied. At least it was clear Mike had no clue about the movie, I have distracted him enough. Who cared we had a company.

"I know... The ending, I didn't expect that. I mean, elephants? Really? That was some good storytelling..." Jake continued. I was thinking hard if there were any elephants. I would have remembered elephants. Especially since I couldn't really think of a way how elephants would fit into the story. On the other hand, I felt this movie fit perfectly into the date category - no one care what it was really about.

"So, what's the plan now?" Jake asked when we left the screening area and were standing in the corridor.

"I am sure you are busy," I replied. I grabbed Mike's hand and started to walk away. It wasn't exactly easy, as Mike wasn't moving and neither were Jake. In the end, it looked like I was trying to become the middle of a man sandwich.

"I am not," Jake said instead and smiled. "So.... pub? I think they have tonight a good band. Or are you hungry?" he suggested.

I looked at Mike, hoping he would dismiss the offer. Unfortunately, he was in a show-off mode. Standing closely behind me, his hands around my waist, he looked like he was claiming the territory. It would have been funny really if I weren't trying to keep private and business life separate. I almost laughed at the thought of having a business life that would include a vampire, because Jake and Jonathan were like buy one get one free offer.

"We can go for a drink, right honey?" Mike replied and grazed my ear with a kiss. He sounded sincere, but I knew the gesture was more for Jake's benefit than mine. Surprisingly, it didn't work really.

Jake was just grinning at Mike at me like it was going to be the best night ever.