Chapter 22

I was sitting in a car with my parents and we were driving somewhere. It was m summer holidays, the sun was shining and I was a happy careless 7-year-old girl.

"Can I open the window, pleeease?" I asked my parents but I didn't even wait for the response. It was a hot summer day and there was no air conditioning in the car. I knew mum would let me open it.

"Sure, but just half, ok?" Mum said and I nodded as if she could see me from the front seat.

I loved our trips out of Prague. I could smell the fields outside, the wind playing with my hair. All I wanted to do is stick my head out and open mouth as if I were a dog. I was smiling. I was pointing at anything interesting in the countryside I could find to Alik, my pug. I got him when I went to the first grade and now, after a year, I treated him like my little brother. He was jumping enthusiastically up and down.