Chapter 24

I just looked around. I was not worried someone would disturb us - people tend to see things they want to and expect to see, so three people in the middle of the night digging up in the corner of meadow would go unnoticed. But it was the trees that worried me, lining the edges of the meadow, bored to death. I could hear the curious whispers. Soon all the trees would know what we were doing, including those up on the hill, perhaps before even I knew.

But did I knew what I was doing? I was not sure. I was here to talk to the bones. All I knew was that it was a dangerous thing to do, something I had never done before. And why? Just to start anew. Suddenly I wasn't so sure if it was worth it, but I was so close. So close to being free to decide for myself. I just knew I had to at least try if anything. I had done too many things to get to this point when I could almost touch my freedom with my fingerprints.