

Hunter's P.O.V.

It's been three whole days since I received the text from Dylan and still no call.

Whatever he wants to talk about doesn't seem serious then.

I was about to pick up my cell and call Iris informing her of my arrival to work when she walked right in without consent.

" You have to learn to be a little more punctual these days. I can't have my tables overflowing with your duty" She groaned and slammed a pile of papers, documents and leaflets on my desk.

I really didn't know how to react. My normal staff wouldn't even dare to walk into my office without permission talk less of dumping my work on my desk without a good morning.

I honestly could never get used to this Iris.

" Good morning to you too" I told her as I gently placed the phone in my hand down.

" I didn't greet you Mr McConnell " She said as a matter of fact.

I see she takes notice of her misconduct.

She proceeds to speak.