Hunter's p.o.v.
It's tomorrow.
Finally, the wedding is tomorrow and I've been feeling jiggly since morning.
If jiggly is indeed a word.
I've gotten a suit picked out with the help of Guillermo and Michelle says she's already got her gown too.
The venue was being set up by Claudette and Jenny while Cheryn took charge of the caterers.
Edward handling the convoys and my family and friends are flying in today.
I'm honestly feeling like a girl who's about to have her first kiss.
Fucking excited!.
Nothing can honestly dampen my mood right now.
I'm on my way home and a little early from work cause I promised Louisa that I'd take her out and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Because I seriously doubt if Michelle would allow me to hang out with someone else's kid.
Scratch that, hang out with Iris's kid.
I drove in through the gates and pass a smile to the young men who stood on guard before furthering.