First Level 1 Dungeon

After he bought some candies for his sister without forgetting, he started heading towards his home. After some time, he arrived his house from outside he could smell the food that was being cooked inside. His mouth started watering; he was very hungry.

"Mom I am back." Said Kang-ho as he entered his house.

"Oh, you are back? I am almost done cooking." Said Ha-Neul as she welcomed Kang-ho.

"Mom, take this I bought some cloths for me and everyone." Said Kang-ho.

"Where did you get all this money?" his mom frowned and asked.

"I went on a hunt with some group of people and made some money so I decided to buy some clothes with that money" he lied so that his mother wouldn't worry more than she already was.

"You didn't need to do that. And why are you going to hunt just after returning from the that horrible dungeon? What if something happens to you how are we going to live with ourselves. Can you not go to dungeons and work with us in the restaurant? I know it is not as profitable but you will still be safe." Said Ha-Nuel while trying hard to hold back her tears. No mother in this world would want to see their son risk their lives in any circumstances, and she was the same.

"Mom trust me, I have stayed inside a dungeon for 2 years. I know how to survive inside a dungeon." Kang-ho said as he hugged his mother and consoled her.

"But—" Ha-Neul wanted to say something but stopped because she didn't have any words, she didn't know what to say to her son. She didn't believe what kang-Ho said but what could she do. In a world where common sense was dead, how could she have said that kang-ho's words made no sense. All she could do was nod.

Ha-Neul took the bags from his hands and went inside. he also followed.

He went inside to the Livingroom; his parents didn't open the restaurant for business today so his father was also sitting on the sofa reading newspaper. He

greeted his father and sat on the sofa and started to look through his new phone and started to surf internet for some information.

"Where are my candies oppa?" Said Hwa-Young making a cute face.

"Awww… Sorry oppa forgot to bring them." Kang -ho said playfully.

"Bad Oppa, I will never talk to you again." Said his sister while puffing her little cheeks and turning away from him.

"I was just joking. Here look brother brought you a lot of candies." Said Kang-ho.

"Really?" she asked.

"Here look." He took the candies out and gave it to her.

"Love you oppa. I will go and show it to mom." She took the candies and ran away.

Kang-Ho was smiling she always made him smile with her antics.

"The food is ready" Ha-Neul yelled from the kitchen.

They all sat together and enjoyed their meal. For Kang-Ho it was his best meal of his life having all of his favourite meal with his family. It was the best feeling.

After the meal family merrily talked and Hwa-young tried the new dresses her oppa bought her she was extremely happy with the dresses.

When it was about 6 in the evening Kang-ho left his house. His goal was to get to the dungeon that he booked. It took him about 2 hours to get to that area. He went to a secluded area and made sure no one was around, then wore the mask which, he wore while visiting the black-market. The woman in the black market told him that the dungeons which are sold on black market were only guarded by the black market personal. The hunter's association took 65% from the amount that black market sold the dungeon for so they didn't mind whatever the black-market did.

After some more time of walking he finally came in front of the dungeon. He was greeted by mask wearing black market personal.

"Excuse me sir but can you give us your black-market card so that we can confirm you booked this dungeon." Asked the guard politely.

Kang-ho took his card out and handed it to the guard. After he made sure this the dungeon was in fact booked by him, he handed the card back.

"Thank you, sir" said the guard and gave him way to enter.

Kang-Ho entered the dungeon through the portal. The height of this portal was the same as tutorial dungeon, but the colour was dark blue.

When he opened his eyes inside the dungeon what he saw was a jungle like environment. A window appeared just like in tutorial dungeon.

[Welcome to Swift Claw hideout]

He then took out his daggers. You never know when the enemy would attack. He started exploring the dungeon there were many tiny blue glowing stones from what he had heard he guessed it to be the energy stone. After some time of exploring he found out that the dungeon was not vast it was small just a small area.

After being done with the exploring he wanted to begin the hunt for his prey so he went along the pathway of the dungeon and it didn't take him long to find the enemy.

[Swift claws


Hp: 9000

Light on feet, extremely fast.]

The animal looked like a tiger but with large fangs and sharp claws. Kang-ho was intrigued by the extremely fast part, so he decided to test out its speed.


He moved in fast he came in front of the animal and made a swing from his dagger he wasn't in his full speed he was using 75% of his speed. Kang-ho was amazed and excited with swift claw's speed. He was happy if this is the opponent, he is fighting in the entrance the boss will be faster, so he would get to have a speed challenge.

'This dungeon is going to be fun' thought Kang-ho.





This time it was the swift claw who made the first move and tried to attack Kang-ho, he side stepped and swung his daggers and hit the swift claws right on the neck and made two very deep wounds.






After the swift claw got injured by Kang-ho it turned really angry and made his move again. This time it attacked Kang-ho multiple times all the time Kang-ho managing to clock the attack. On the last attempt kang-ho force fully pushed down the swift claw.




This time Kang-ho moved and repeatedly attacked the swift claw. Without giving the swift claw a chance to recover after many successful strikes the swift claw had blood dripping from all over its body. The swift claw was in horrible state.



The swift claw still made an attack but it was in its end of the line. So Kang-ho didn't waste any time and finished his job by attacking the beast's eye, he didn't stop there he pinned the swift claw on the ground and pushed the dagger and penetrated it's skull and killed the Swift claw.


He levelled up once.

After he was done, he went deeper and encountered one more Swift claw and killed it swiftly, this time he didn't try to test out the swift claw's limits. He just went for the kill after doing some heavy damage. But he didn't gain any levels.