
"I heard you sent yeo brothers to kill them what happened to them? Did they fail?" asked one of the men inside the room.

"Yes, unfortunately there were some hunters present there at that moment. What you need to do is go in quickly and kill them as fast as you can, when you try to kill the hunters kill the Yi family, kill them all as fast as you can. This is a very high priority mission, Park Won-Soo will lead the troops. Everyone follows his lead. Do you have any questions?" said the man.

"No sir" everyone yelled at the same time.

"Good. Park Won-Soo you can chose anyone from the guild you want, take some equipment from the guild storage. Make sure everything is accounted for." Said the man and left the room.

"Yes sir." Said Park Won-Soo as he stood up.

"Go and take some of the trusted and strong members of the guild, also everyone go to the storage and get yourself a good set of equipment." Said Park Won-Soo after the man left the room.

Hearing Park Won-Soo everyone stood up from there chairs and left to make the preparation. They were in a hurry so they didn't waste much time.


After taking a bath Kang-Ho wore a new set of cloth. After that he came out of his house, right them he saw a group of people making their way towards his house. By looking at their emblem Kang-Ho could tell they were from Choi guild. He was really happy seeing them, he didn't have to go all the way to the guild t take care of them, they came to him instead.

After they got close enough, he wanted to see their information and see who was father of Choi Dong, he wanted to make him suffer the worst pain before he killed that man. If it wasn't for Moon Jung being there to save his family, Kang-Ho knew there was no way he could have seen his family anymore. Just the thought of him loosing his family made his heart ache, he planned to move to a safe place, where he wouldn't have to worry about his parent's safety.

[Name: Park Won-Soo

Age: 40

Level: 60

Class: Swordsman]

When he looked through everyone's information, he was the strongest person in the group. Rest 7 of them were level 50 and rest were less than that. Kang-Ho was disappointed as he had to go to guild after all. He wanted to finish this dispute with Choi guild as soon as possible. They had crossed the limit now he had to kill them all to make sure no one was left, who would want to harm his family.

"Look who do we have here. You are Yi Kang-Ho, right?" asked Won-Soo, after coming close to Kang-Ho.

"Yes" replied Kang-Ho without any emotion.

"So, you killed young master Choi, huh?" asked the man with a evil smile and Kang-H could feel the killing intent coming from all of them.

"Yes" said Kang-Ho again.

"HAHAHAHAHA..., Good you have guts, but that won't help you we will kill you today." Said Won-Soo.

After that Kang-Ho started running towards the other direction.

"Son Of a..... what are you looking at? Go catch him now, run. Run However much you want you won't escape us today." Yelled Won-Soo he was extremely angry seeing Kang-Ho running away. He didn't expect this to happen. He wanted to just crust the fly as fast as he could.

After hearing their commander's order everyone started chasing Kang-Ho, however even if Kang-Ho was running slow some of them had a hard time to follow Kang-Ho. Just when they managed to caught up to Kang-Ho would increase his speed to make sure the hunters from the Choi Guild couldn't catch up to him. After some time of running they reached a very secluded area, there was no sign of life around that place. This place was perfect for a fight.

Kang-Ho made them come here because he didn't want to harm his own home. After seeing the area Won-Soo was very happy, if they were to kill Kang-Ho, here it wouldn't be much of a problem, they could just burry the body. But the main problem was they couldn't find his family. This mission was very important as the man said, back in the guild. They had to kill the entire family. If they failed the mission, they knew what fate awaited them, back in the guild. they would be mercilessly killed. So, they couldn't afford to be care less.

"HAHAHAHA….Good Good this is a very good place for you to die. Boys be ready to attack." said Park Won-Soo. Everyone gripped their attack.

Kang-Ho took his dagger out to face the enemy head on.

"Attack!" Yelled Won-Soo. Some of the low-level members ran towards Kang-Ho for the attack. they didn't take too long to arrive in front of Kang-Ho.





They all swung their attack, Kang-Ho blocked some of the attack and dodge some of them, after they were done with their attacks, he started his attacks. Kang-Ho started to swing his daggers repeatedly without a stop. He managed to kill one enemy with each one of his swings. The enemy didn't even get the chance to retaliate.

Won-Soo was having a headache on the other hand. The information provided to him mentioned that he was a rookie hunter, but it seemed that the data was incorrect.

'Fuck we need to kill this bastard together. I hope he does not get a chance to escape.' even though he didn't know what level Kang-Ho was he couldn't imagine him to be strongest that himself it took him almost 2 years to gain the power he has now.

"Listen up fu**ers, we will attack that kid all together. Surround him from all sided make sure he does not have a chance to escape the place. We will make his grave right here right now." said Won-Soo to his men.

It didn't take long for Kang-Ho to finish all the men that came running to him. They were too weak to cause him any problems. After the last one's body fell to the ground with a thud, all the others came running towards Kang-Ho and tried to surround him from all sides. Kang-Ho didn't have a problem being surrounded as he could kill them faster. Kang-Ho just had to make sure he killed the weak ones first. He didn't want them to run away when he fought the strong opponents that would be a disaster. The weak opponents weren't that much of a problem to Kang-Ho, as he could just swing his dagger once and their head would fall.

"You have no place to escape just surrender we will let you die a quick and painless death." Said Won-Soo with a smile. In his eyes Kang-ho was just a rabbit being surrounded by predators, he didn't think he would have the guts to fight back now. he was very happy that his plans were working very well.

"Oh, and other thing are your parents still home? We will have to kill them too but don't worry if you surrender, they would be killed very quickly." Said Won-Soo with a smile.