

"Sir, I don't think this place is safe for you right now, the Choi guild has fallen. There is no one protecting this place right now. It would be best for you to leave this place immediately. If that guy who killed all the men from Choi guild decided to kill everyone present, I don't think even we could kill him. He is just too powerful for us to handle. Also, this place is starting to get a lot chaotic, people are starting to loot each other. You will be the centre of attraction in this kind of situation." Said one masked man, he was wearing black suit like a bodyguard. He was talking to a fat masked man with all kinds of jewellery on his neck and his finger. In the crowd he stood out the most as he was covered with precious material. There were 5 bodyguards around him.

The man was getting very worried of the fat man's safety as the situation was worsening as the time passed by. He wanted to immediately leave the place; he had seen how Kang-Ho killed all the Choi Guild members he didn't want to risk his life by staying here.

"All of you surround me and protect me, I won't leave this place until I get my property. After paying 1 million for that thing you want me to leave without it? Have you gone crazy? You think I pay you every month to keep me company? SHUT THE F**K UP! And go bring my property to me then after we can leave this s**thole." Yelled the fat man he was fuming with anger, as he paid these men to protect him from any danger, he expected them to protect him not run away. In middle of all the chaos he started yelling and it seemed that he gained bad people's attention. All of the people who were busy seemed to have heard what the man had said and turned towards him.

When all the people saw the fat man, they were immediately attracted to all the valuable things on the fat man. They immediately started running towards the man in hopes to reach him first and kill him too take all the valuables as loot.

After seeing this bodyguard from earlier panicked, he knew the fat man won't move until h wishes were fulfilled. There were just too many people rushing towards them after hearing the man's shout.

"Listen to me carefully, I will go in and bring the girl, you guys surround him and protect him at all cost, if he even has one scratch when I am gone I will kill you all." Said the bodyguard to his team with a commanding tone, as there were many people advancing towards them.

"Bring my property safely, make sure it is not harmed, if she even has one scratch, I will cut both your arms. I will make sure your life turns into living hell." Yelled the fat man, he was still thinking about his property even when people were running towards him to kill him. He didn't care he knew he had a strong group of people protecting him.

The man in said didn't say anything he just nodded and left. After the man left his team moved to protect the fat man, they were having a tough time as there were just too many people attacking at the same time.

The fight to save the fat man continued for some more time, meanwhile the man who left finally came with the girl from the auction. She had a collar on her neck and she was being dragged by the man to the fat man.

"Give me my property. Let me see if its been damaged." The fat man said to his bodyguard. Under the mask the fat man was drooling after seeing the bare thigs of the girl. He had a disgusting look on his face under the mask.

After hearing the fat man, the bodyguard handed the chain to the fat man, he was in a hurry because his team were in a very bad condition in the fight they were being pushed back by the crowd. If he was a little late the crowd would probably had been able to come pass the guards and attack the fat man. This was a really serious situation but the fat man didn't seem to care about it as he was busy checking out the girl.


Knag-Ho was just about to leave the place right then he came across the crowd, he didn't want to stay there but he suddenly witnessed a scene which made his steps stop suddenly.

When the fat man was examining the girl, the girl took out the dagger that was hanging on the fat man's waist very skillfully, the fat man didn't realize that the girl had taken his dagger he was still admiring the girl's beauty. He had to admit the girl was very pretty, he guessed with just a bath she would become more beautiful than a model.

The girl meanwhile, took the dagger and hid it behind her back. she was waiting for a best moment to strike. She was like a predator waiting for the prey to make a mistake.

"Sir, I don't think we can handle this many people with just us we need to eave this place immediately!" the bodyguard yelled, even after he joined in to pushback the crowd he hadn't manage to push them back. they were in a stalemate. The bodyguard knew if they stayed here longer, they it would be bad, they might not be able to protect the fat man if some of the people managed to come near the fat man.

"KILL THEM ALL AND LET'S LEAVE THIS PLACE!" the fat man turned around and yelled, he just ignored what the bodyguard told him just now. He was angry at the crowd for targeting him. He wanted to see them all dead.

But right when the fat man turned around the girl got her chance and she jumped on to the fat man's back. she knew she couldn't win if she attacked the man front so she decided to attack the man from the back. Her decision was very right as just when she jumped on the man-s back he tried to catch the girl but he was unable to as he had a hard time to reaching his back.

The girl didn't waste much time as there were many bodyguards around, she took the dagger and made a cut from ear to ear, on the man's neck. After doing so she grabbed the man's hair and pulled his head backward. The blood started gushing out like a fountain.

"AAKK….AAKKHHHH…..AAKHHHH" the mad tried to say something towards his bodyguard but he was unable to as his vocal was cleanly sliced apart. As the bodyguard were facing the other direction, they didn't realize what had happened behind their back.

The girl didn't stop there after pulling the man's head by his hair the head was bended backward in a bizarre way and the bone of the man was visible. She took the dagger and started hitting the bone until it broke. After the bone was broken, she cleanly chopped the head off.