
After that question the voice didn't reply to Kang-Ho, Kang-Ho thought the man had disappeared. He started to explore the cave to find other exits.

He wanted to know if there were any other places that the man had come from. But to his disappointment there was no such place in the entire cave.

"You won't find what you are looking for rabbit." The voice sounded again suddenly, the sudden reply made knag-Ho startled, he was extremely angry right now.

"Why didn't you save me from that monster right now? seeing a human flee for his life does that make you happy? Do you even have a shred of humanity left in you?" Kang-Ho shouted angrily, he was furious because that man kept calling him rabbit, like he was better than him. The man didn't even have the guts to confront him face to face, but he dared to insult him by calling rabbit. That was the part which annoyed him the most.

He just wanted to find the guy and hit him in the head. After some time of searching Kang-Ho finally gave up on finding an exit, he knew t was only possible to get out of the cave only from where he entered. He started despairing on the fact that the hole was so high in the sky and there was no possible way to reach it.

"'Monster'? Why do you call that wolf a 'Monster'?" the voice suddenly asked with curiosity. His curiosity was evident in the way he asked.

"Didn't you see that thing tried to kill me? I didn't even do anything to him, I was just minding my own business, when that thing attacked me out of the blue" answered Kang-Ho he was angry at the voice for asking such question, but he still answered the question anyway.

After a bit of a silence the voice answered again, the silence felt as if the man was speechless from the reply that Kang-Ho gave. The reply that the voice gave Kang-Ho startled him, he felt chills run down his spine when he heard it.

"This is a place where strong lives and the weak dies, there is no place for weak to live in this place. Here if you want to live you fight, this world has no place for those who don't fight for themselves, no one is going to fight you battle for you, you are the only one who will fight for your sake.

If you don't fight for yourself, you will always remain as a prey in the eyes of strong, everyone would prey on you. If you don't want to die as a prey, then fight for yourself." Said the voice with extreme seriousness.

"Fight that thing? Did you see that monster? I don't think anyone can fight with that beast. Don't you see how weak I am? If I had the power to kill that thing, why would I run away? If you have the guts come in front of me and say that to my face, you don't seem to have a shred of humanity left inside of you." Said Kang-Ho as reply to the voice, how could he fight that thing he thought, anyone who dared to fight that thing would be turned to meat paste in no second, he thought.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the man kept laughing for a while, but to Kang-Ho it seemed like the grim reaper was calling him. Kang-Ho could feel the anger in the man's voice.

Kang-Ho felt as if he couldn't move, it felt as if he was being constricted by chains and weight that was pulling him down. He could barely stand with the pressure that suddenly assaulted him. he barely managed to stand.

After some time, the man stopped laughing, when he stopped laughing the pressure disappeared as well. But Kang-Ho was not relaxed yet, he was extremely fearful even after the voice disappeared.

"You think because that wolf attacked you it is a monster? What about that wolf? Do you think he would survive without consuming food?

Do you think you have more right to live, than that wolf? He is fighting his own war to survive in this world, are you? You are so pathetic that, rather than fighting to improve your weakness you would use it as a shield to protect yourself.

You don't even fight for what you want. Still why do you think, it is you that should survive than that wolf?

If you tell me that you are weaker than wolf so he shouldn't attack you, I have watched you killing an innocent deer to quench your hunger a few days ago. Now, tell me why did you kill that weak being that was just eating grass to fill her stomach? That thing didn't attack you did it? But why did you kill her? Just yesterday I saw her 4 little fawn die of hunger, they were just child all they could eat was milk, but their mother was not there to feed them. So, now tell me what gave you the right to survive and not the fawns?

Do you think of yourself as a higher being just because you have a way to communicate? Did those fawns, wolf not have the right to live?

If you have the guts to fight weak animals, have the guts to fight the strong ones as well. In this cruel world, those who fight and survived are hailed as strong, those who fail are called weak, and those who are afraid of fights are deemed as cowards are deemed as cowards. There is no place in this world for cowards, there is no place for someone who won't fight for themselves in this world. At the end of the day we are all fighting to survive, we are all equal survivor.

Next time don't make assumption of me being a human." Said the voice with a little bit of anger in his words.

Hearing this Kang-Ho couldn't say anything, he just stayed silent, all he could do was think about the things that he heard. He wanted to learn about the person behind the voice ore. He wanted to know if he wasn't a human than what was he? He had many questions that he wanted to ask but right at that moment, the water started to move, a huge wave formed in the pond and sucked Kang-Ho in.

After struggling for some moments, Kang-Ho was split out of the small cave by the water.

"I wonder what you will become next time we meet little rabbit?" asked the voice, it seemed that throwing Knag-Ho out of the cave was his doing.

This was at this time that the naive Kang-Ho died, the voice didn't know it now, but he had changed Kang-Ho's life. When he came out of the cave Knag-Ho had the determination in his eyes he finally knew what he had to do to survive.

After coming out of the cave, Kang-Ho gripped his dagger and stared towards the wolf from earlier. He didn't back down this time, he didn't try to run, he knew what he had to do to be a survivor.


Kang-Ho was reminiscing on these distant memories of the past as he made his way towards the guild. Meanwhile most of the guilds in the city were in chaos.