Coming to Rescue

Chu Kong was not an extraordinary hunter he was just a normal one, compared to the hunters that get public recognition. And he perfectly knew that, although Chu Kong was the guild leader of the Crow guild but he had no idea of the workings of the city and the turmoil within. The reason was before this day Choi guild was like the hegemony of the region and no forces dared to compete against them. Chu Kong was the same he never dared to act against the Choi Guild before this day. He always focused his guild on internal development while not provoking the Choi guild.

That was the reason why he never contacted any guild out of his region, he never planned to fight the Choi guild. But after seeing what happened with the Choi guild market, the way just one guy went and destroyed the entire thing, motivated him the most. Chu Kong wanted Crow Guild to be the new hegemony of the Busan, Chu Kong also knew that with his only strength Crow guild wouldn't be able to become the hegemony. Chu Kong knew that he needed a powerful ally, so when he heard that Kang-Ho was in trouble, he instantly became happy.

Chu Kong believed that Choi guild must have offended some foreign guild aa powerful one at that, and ended up being their target. He believed that Kang-Ho was sent here to destroy Choi guild, and just by seeing Kang-Ho's powers alone, he believed that the guild he belonged to was very powerful one.

"Its just normal, no matter how much powerful one became one would always fear masses. This is a very good opportunity; we can go in and save the masked man. By doing so we can hit two targets with one stone, for one we can make the masked man have a favourable opinion of us on the other hand we would hopefully be able to gain the support of the guild he belongs to." Said Chu Kong, he wanted to make connection with a powerful guild as it would enable his guild to become hegemony in the Busan region.

"But sir we are surrounded by many enemies reaching that place would be extremely difficult." The hunter said expressing his concerns over the plan. He was right though, the position Crow guild were in would make their advancement very difficult if not impossible.

"Call the first hunter team and all the elites we have, if we charged in with enough force we can easily make a hole on the enemy formation." Chu Kong said as he knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance.

He knew that if he missed this golden opportunity, he would always regret his decision till the day he died.

After hearing Chu Kong's order, the hunter finally moved, he knew no matter what he said would make no difference as Chu Kong had made his decision. He quickly did what was asked for him to do, after collecting all the hunter he once again went to Chu Kong. After meeting they didn't move immediately, Chu Kong told them about his plan and after a little bit of discussion they finally moved.


"Where do you plan to run Now? If you surrender now, we might let you have a peaceful death" said Kim Min-Soo, although he knew that his words wouldn't work but he tried.

Kim Min-Soo knew that even if Kang-Ho was scared of them, he would not go down without a fight. If they were to fight, he knew that Kang-Ho was capable enough to kill some of his man, after seeing the man fight, he now somewhat knew the capabilities of Kang-Ho. Although Kim Min-Soo had many troops he didn't want any of them to die as they were fighting Crow guild as well. This was his last desperate attempts to save some of his man for the fight later.

Kim Min-Soo waited for some moments for Kang-Ho's reply, after not getting one for quite some time, he was getting impatient. Suddenly one man from his guild came running to them, everyone's attention was shifted to the man who came running.

"Bad news, Chu Kong has started to make his move, he is currently heading this way along with the elites of the Crow guild. their target seems to be here, they might be heading here to help the masked man." Said the man who came running, he was covered in sweat and blood, the man was covered in wounds. It showed just how fierce the battle between both the guilds was going on.

Hearing the bad news Kim Min-Soo was enraged, he knew that facing both the opponents at the same time would be very difficult.

"You, you, go and take some of the man form the forces and try to block their advancement for as long as possible. remember you don't need to kill them just block them that would be enough." said Kim Min-Soo as he knew that he just needed just some time to deal with Kang-Ho.

Kim Min-Soo pointed at one of the tanks and melee hunter that were guarding him. After hearing the order, they didn't ask any other question, they went straight towards the direction from where Chu Kong was advancing, they knew that after hearing the order they could not delay the process as every second counted. The longer they could hold off Chu Kong the more chances they had of winning the battle.

"ATTACK!" yelled Kim Min-Soo even after he sent some of his people to block the advancement of Chu Kong, he didn't feel relieved. He knew the men he had sent would surely be slaughtered by Chu Kong, as he knew what strength Chu Kong had, so he was in a hurry to finish Kang-Ho as soon as possible.

After yelling Kim Min-Soo started the battle first as he shot his arrow towards Kang-Ho, after he attacked the mage by his side also started his own chant. Hearing Kim Min-Soo's command all of the low-level hunters rushed towards Kang-Ho, all of them were melee classed. Some of the elite hunters of the guild remained back with Kim Min-Soo, they had not seen Kang-Ho fight properly, so they first wanted to see Kang-Ho in action.


The arrow that was shot towards Kang-Ho by Kim Min-Soo came with the speed of lightning. Kang-Ho didn't panic being under attack by the arrow, rather he was cool he was already prepared from the moment the arrow left from Kim Min-Soo's hand. Kang-Ho remained still until the arow came really close to him, when the arrow was just some feet away from Kang-Ho he suddenly moved his body, his movement was as quick as lightning, with the sudden change of position he managed to dodge the arrow which was aimed straight at his throat.

Form this one-shot Kang-Ho could tell just how good of a archer Kim Min-Soo was. After Kang-Ho dodged the arrow that was not the end of Kim Min-Soo's attack. Kim Min-Soo made it seem like that shot was just the prelude, the shots that continued the initial attack were more aggressive and faster.