
Kim Min-Soo was currently having a mental breakdown, he didn't think that the situation would turn out this way. From the current situation it was evident that the possibility of them surviving this disaster was very slim. On the one hand there was Chu Kong, Kim Min-Soo knew how powerful he was as they had fought each other on many occasions, Kim Min-Soo wasn't that worried about-facing Chu Kong though as he knew that with the support of his team, he would be able to easily take him down. The main problem that plagued his mind was the existence of Kang-Ho on the battlefield whose strength was unknown till now.

In this battle if Kim Min-Soo were to neglect Kang-Ho, and it turned out his strength was higher than Chu Kong he knew that the outcome could be disastrous and if he were to ignore Chu Kong that would turnout as same. Kim Min-Soo right now was stuck in between a rock and a hard place.


A Black car stopped inside the black market where the battle was taking place. The road head was blocked by some kind of barricade set up by the hunter guild in a hurry. So that no uninvolved people would be able to enter the place, also they didn't want the fight to be spilled outside. One of the Hunter association staff came Infront of the car to inquire about the people inside the car. Park Kyung opened the window so that he could have a chat.

"There's a battle that's been happening inside are you sure you want to go in?" asked the Hunter association staff to Park Kyung.

"Yes, we are from the Choi guild. we are in a hurry could you please let us in immediately?" asked Park Kyung politely, no matter how powerful their guild was inside the city of Busan they were nothing compared to the might of the Hunter association and the high-level guild. They knew too well that the hunter association wouldn't even have to lift their finger I they wanted to destroy the Choi guild. So, no mater how powerful they were inside the Busan city they would never disrespect any member of the Hunter Association.

"Alright, let me see your ID." The Staff didn't immediately let them go, he still needed to know that they were the person they were claiming to be.

Without saying a word Park Kyung took two IDs out, and handed they to the Staff. After getting the ID the staff scanned the IDs with a device.

After making sure the IDs were okay, the staff handed the IDs back to Park Kyung, who still had a fake smile on his face. Seeing the fake smile, the staff snorted coldly. Park Kyung didn't take offense from what the staff did she still maintained the fake smile he had on his face and took the IDs back.

Right when they were about to drive away and leave the place to go inside, the staff leaned in the window of the car.

"Watch out, be careful about what you are doing, if there is even one report of civilian dying, we have been told that one of the low-level official from the guild would show up here, to get rid of the all the filth plaguing the city." warned the staff with a sinister smile on his face.

Hearing the words of the staff all the hairs on the two people's body stood up at the same time, even the guild master Choi In-Kyu who was indifferent till now and didn't have any emotions on his face had a horrified expression. Both of the people inside the car knew the meaning hidden in the staff's word, they knew that the words were directed at them. They also knew if one Hunter Association were to send one of their officials in Busan to clean up, they would leave no stones unturned if that were to happen.

If Hunter association truly sent people to clean up the first one wo gets wiped out would surely be the Choi Guild, both of them knew that in their heart. And if that were to happen, they would have no way of turning things around, they knew that the people helping them would also disappear if that were to happen. The main thing that was clear in their mind was to finish the battle as quickly as possible they knew that the longer, they stretched the battle the more there would be chances of killing a civilian.

After saying those words, the staff didn't waste his time on the two men who were still contemplating. The staff moved away from the car; Park Kyung had some questions to ask but he knew that even if he were to beg the staff wouldn't come back to talk to them. So, he silently started the car and went inside the barricade.

After they were a little farther away from the hunter association people, Park Kyung finally broke the silence inside the car.

"Sir if they he said is true. Should we call "Them"?" asked Park Kyung with a stern voice, he had a solemn look on his face not daring to do something that would offend Choi In-Kyu.

"No, if we were to inform them about the situation now, they would wipe us out of existence even before the Hunter association does. Even if they don't kill us all they would surely sever all ties That links us together and in the end all the blame would come unto us and we would be killed by the hunter association. On both the cases where are sure to be killed. Don't inform "Them" it would only bring destruction. Drive fasted we need to kill those who dared to enter our city and dared to be so brazen." Said Choi In-Kyu the encounter with the Staff seemed to have woke him up from the madness. He no longer behaved like a mad man, he finally spoke like a guild leader, and this time his main goal was to keep his guild safe.

"But, sir "They" told me, we would have any problem with the Hunter association. What if we called them and they had the solution to solve the problem?" Park Kyung asked with a stern voice, he couldn't believe that "They" couldn't help them in a difficult situation after working for "Them".

"Humph, you don't even know who "They" are and still dare to depend on "Them" for safety? I know who they are and I know what "They" do to those who "They" don't need anymore. "They" would push us under the bus if "They" don't need us anymore keep that in mind. Go we don't have the time to wasted here." Yelled Choi In-Kyu, he was totally enraged after hearing what Park Kyung had to say. Although it seemed like he was angry buy when Park Kyung saw his face, he just saw fear not anger.

After seeing Choi In-Kyu's fearful face, Park Kyung knew that Choi In-Kyu knew something that he didn't, so he didn't say a single word and kept driving, after sometime they finally arrived in front of the place where the fight was happening.