
Moon Jung's father was a very wealthy man even before the dungeons started appearing, he is also a very great businessman. When the dungeons started appearing, his father saw an opportunity in investing in the dungeons and his father started a guild. His father with some friends started exploring dungeons, after seeing the profits that he gained from the dungeons, his father invested all his money in dungeons.

Everything was going great until the government decided to take all of the profits for themselves, they started to use all the military forces to guard the dungeons and they took all the dungeons for themselves, leaving independent guilds like Moon Jung's father with nothing. Everything was going great for the government for a while but everything changed when a mysterious group appeared the group massacred half of the government officials in one night, the group started a civil war. After that there was only chaos, dungeons break used to happen regularly, you could find dead bodies lying in the corners of the street, it was a very dark time.

But then independent guilds like Moon Jung's father and some others decided to join hands and started to fight back against the tyrannical group, after days of fighting they finally managed to send that group into hiding. After everything was over the remaining government officials tried to start things over, they were willing to give some of the benefits to the guilds. But by then the ordinary citizens had lost all their trust over the government. People started rioting for the government to be removed and the hunters to run the country. There were so many people wanting the same thing that government in the end had to give up and accept the public demand.

When the government stepped down, the guilds that were there to subdue the mysterious organization united and created the Hunter's Association. As for the representative who would lead the hunter association, every guild chose their own candidate for the position, from Moon Jung's father guild he was chosen. After that public vote started and Moon Jung's father was appointed as first ever president. That is the reason why people support and love the hunter's association so much because they were there to protect innocent lives when no none cared for the non-hunters. Ever since the Hunter Association was formed there has just been peace. People are happy and everything is orderly.

"I think its not safe for you guys in Busan anymore, why not move with me to Seoul? Don't worry about the money you can pay me back anytime." Said Moon Jung, although he wanted to offer help by providing Kang-Ho with a place to live but he knew that Kang-Ho would reject the offer right away. So, he suggested for Kang-Ho to pay back later.

"Yes, I will move, but you don't need to worry about anything. I can manage on my own. Recently I have been earning well enough to support my family through dungeons." said Kang-Ho as he didn't want to involve Moon Jung too much in his life.

"Oh! That's great news what's your level?" asked Moon Jung with surprise.

"Level 20, I found a very nice group who helped me level up and gain some experience." said Kang-Ho.

"Cool, let me know if you need any help on the matter of dungeons, I can hook you up with some friends of mine they will be of great help. Just know that I am there for you friend." Said Moon Jung while we patted Kang-Ho's back.

"Of course, I will." Said Kang-Ho.

"Let's toast to friendship." Said Moon Jung, he was rather happy after having some drinks.

"To Friendship" said Kang-Ho as they drank the cup of soju they had in their hand.

'Friendship huh? I owe you a great debt for saving my parents today. I will always be there for you whenever you are in trouble. You are the only one who I can call a friend.' Thought Kang-Ho as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in and going out.

"Hey where are you going done already? I can fight with you more. I can drink more than you?" said Moon Jung, he was obviously too intoxicated he could barely talk.

"Sir, I think you have had enough. I think you should rest. We also have a dungeon appointment tomorrow, its best if you have some rest." Said Ku Chin-Mae as he was worried about Moon Jung.

"No, damnit I don't want that guy to win once more." Said Moon Jung as he tried to stand up of the chair but he fell down. He knocked himself out.

"HAHA" seeing all of this Kang-Ho couldn't help but laugh. After that he went to his room for sleep even, he had some things to do tomorrow. The mass dungeons event was coming closer he needed to prepare himself for that.

In the morning Kang-Ho's parents insisted on going back home, they wanted to open the restaurant. They didn't care of anyone was after their life they just wated their life to go back to normal. Moon Jung on the other hand was totally against the idea of going back there, he was persistent on making them stay.

After they talked Moon Jung lost and had to let them go but on one condition. The condition was some of the guards guarding Moon Jung will go with Kang-Ho's family and protect them. Kang-Ho's parents had no other choice than to obey, Moon Jung left them no choice if they didn't agree Moon Jung himself would have followed them back. So, they finally came to an agreement.

Although having High level hunters around the house it would make it harder for Kang-Ho to move, but considering yesterday's incident Kang-Ho also realized that his family needed protection. As for the guards Kang-Ho was confident he could make some way.

Kang-Ho's family bided farewell to Moon Jung and headed their home. Returning to home the first thing they did was to eat breakfast and then Kang-Ho's parents and his sister went to the restaurant, Kang-Ho just stayed at his room.

Kang-Ho surveyed the surrounding and it seemed that there was only one guard guarding the house and him. others left for the restaurant. Kang-Ho used his void walk in his room and made his escape from the back window. It seemed that that that had done the trick.

After making his escape from his house Kang-Ho was headed towards the Black Market, he had a lot of things to take care of.

"Good morning sir how may I be of help to you today?" asked one of the masked employees of the Black market politely.

Kang-Ho without bothering to speak took his black-market card out and handed it to the masked woman. Taking the card the woman swiped the card on her device.

"Please this way sir" said the woman as she escorted Kang-Ho to a private room.

"Please have a seat, someone will be here shortly to attend to you sir. Do you want any refreshments sir?" asked the woman politely.

"No, thank you" Kang Ho declined the offer as he just had his breakfast and he was wearing a mask after all.