Clay Man (2)

After few seconds of wait, something finally started to happen to the statue. The clay that was on the ground slowly started to fly and slowly started to settle in the place of the broken arm. At first the clay slowly rose up but as the time went by it became faster until there was no clay left on the ground. Kang-Ho was surprised by what he saw in just a few seconds the broken arm of the statue was back at the same place as it was earlier. It seemed like it had no problems even after being broken earlier, the statue even moved its arm a little to test if the arm was okay.

After the statue was done testing the arm, it bended over to pick up the spear that was still on the ground. After picking up the spear the statue moved its gaze towards Kang-Ho who was already fighting against the other statue. After locking its target in its eyes, the statue moves to attack him in high speed.