Berserk Mode


A skin numbing sound reverberated throughout the room, the sound of the noise became more horrifying because of the fact that they were inside the cave the sound was being echoed, Kang-Ho suddenly felt as if he was inside a horror movie. As Kang-Ho’s focus was all over the room, he was trying not to leave any gaps on his guard from where the bat king could get a chance of sneak attack. Kang-Ho was suddenly taken aback from what he had suddenly seen.

Suddenly from above the room from a darkness something came out. Upon taking a careful look it turned out that it was a claw, the arm resembled the claw of bat king but for some reason it was 3 times the side of the Bat King’s claw that Kang-Ho had seen. Kang-Ho got confused and took a step back to asses the situation clearly, soon enough the body of that thing came out of the darkness as well.