Save Me (NSFW)

“Ah!” I moaned as I felt the inside of my rectum directly stretched from the thick girth of the instrument. Due to the sensitivity of the rectal wall, I couldn’t help but shiver in pleasure as I felt the heated artificial meat rod directly stab into my most sensitive place while vibrating in a rhythmic manner.

Seeing the look of pleasure on my face, Leo raised an eyebrow before speaking in a joking manner, “Hunter… instead of using the excuse and saying that you’re doing this to protect me, why don’t you be honest and say you wanted to be pierced by a thick rod instead?”

To that ridiculous accusation, I took all my strength restraining the pleasure currently coursing through me to glare at Leo in an indignant manner before shouting, “Stop saying such ridiculous things and go so I can take this filthy thing off me when you leave!”