Chapter Six_Resettlement

Ranoma Kingdom really lived up to its name; strong, mysterious, splendorous, and full of life.

Its rivalry with the Kingdom of Kirith was known to all, but people didn't bother much because their squabbles had not led to war, yet.

Hinam and Liyal entered into Ranoma as people of the male gender, having gotten rid of their female personas.

Being a female was really challenging, was their conclusion at the end of their experience.

Immediately they entered the Ranoman Kingdom, Hinam and Liyal went to the money changers and converted all the money with them into the Ranoma currency, Jan.

How Hinam knew where to go and what to do, were beyond Liyal's compression, coupled with his Nité's ability to speak the Ranoman tongue fluently.

His Nité was really so smart, and capable.

The Kirithian Dinati and the Ranoman Jan were at par with each other in the exchange market, so Hinam and Liyal had no challenges converting their gold.