Chapter Ten_Compromise

Time passed slowly, with Hinam and Liyal having close shaves with the people after them, the times being when they went down the mountain areas into the denser parts of Partilas City, to purchase some supplies that the mountain regions couldn't provide.

Well, a year passed, still nothing major happened.

Then suddenly, it all came to a head.


Hinam woke up one morning on the bed he and Liyal normally slept in, feeling and sensing unusual vibrations in the air.

Liyal asked him what the matter was, but he waved him quiet.

Soon enough, his suspicions were confirmed as a figure slowly materialized on the wooden chair in their room.

Hinam quickly pushed Liyal behind him, and drew out the sword he kept hidden by the side of their bed, getting into a defensive position.

"Don't bother with that, Hinam." An icy voice spoke out in the quietness of the room.