Another surprising fall out of the poison-saga was that, King Liyal married Hinam as soon as he recovered.
The private ceremony was held in the main Temple of the Kirithian Kingdom, and witnessed by Grand Chancellor Lexif, the ancient ones, Hinaman, and Crown Prince Kimar.
Following his marriage to King Liyal, Hinam was granted the title of Imperial Noble Consort.
The care of Prince Adnit was given to him, amongst other things, but he refused to have King Liyal build him another Villa, preferring to continue living in his Wind Courtyard.
Noble Consorts Nebe and Forzal were punished with confinement to their quarters, for the rest of their lives.
Their royal privileges and rights were partially revoked, but their plot against Hinam was not recorded in the Kirithian Imperial annals.
Noble Consort Yerthim got the lightest punishment out of the four Consorts, as she was only confined to her quarters for a year, and forfeited two years of royal provisions.