Chapter 7

David rolled down the window and shouted at me to get in. I threw myself into the back of the car and he sped off. I saw myself in the mirror and cringed at the silly smile plastered across my face. I opened the cooler box and fished a grenade. I threw it with all my might at the remaining gunmen. For a while, nothing happened, then the fireworks made my day. I noticed that David was looking at me, waiting for a thank you or something, but I said "I'm hungry" and wiped the smug grin off his face. I don't really remember falling asleep, but David woke me up to ask what I wanted to order from the drive thru. I ate my inside out burger and curly fries with relish. It had been a while since I had gorged myself on junk food.

It was a while before I realized that we were parked. I tapped David on the shoulder and politely asked to go home. He looked at me like I was the dumbest person he had ever seen. The look sort of explained everything to me. We couldn't go home in case we were being followed and there was basically nowhere to go... and oh it was kind of my fault. It was my turn to look at David like he was the dumbest person in the world ( if I didn't say earlier, he is). " We are C.I.A agents you dumbass" I grinned. We were able to get specialists to make sure the area was clear before we went home.

A short while back, this was a small thing, now shit was getting serious. My boss called David and I to inform us of an incoming shipment of drugs and arms. Ivanka was supposed to be receiving them the next night at the Washington Harbour and as a 'surprise' we were supposed to do a covert and gather evidence. By blood ran cold. I felt like I wasn't in the best shape for a mission like that. It could go wrong very fast. I spent the rest of the day training and slept early. I woke up early the next morning and decided trained for a couple of hours, but David told me to rest and for some reason, I listened.

Sadly, the time came. The shipment was supposed to arrive around eight, so naturally, we were there by six. The place seemed virtually empty. That was until seven, when dozens of people started to arrive. We were hidden on top of a container which was on a container with a view of where it was to go down. At seven thirty, a European looking man in a crisp black suit arrived at the docks with an entourage of about two dozen armed men. I made sure the video was streaming straight onto a secure server back at HQ. At exactly eight, a ship decked and immediately, work began. Cranes and forklifts started to come to life. By half past, the containers were unloaded, but they seemed to be waiting for somebody...

I didn't wait long to satisfy my curiosity. A convoy of about seven black Range Rovers came to a stop in a straight line on the middle of everyone. I recognised the handbag before the person. Ivanka Romanov had arrived on the scene. She greeted the man in the white suit and they began a conversation. I maxed out the recording volume. David and I met each others wide eyed gaze. The shock was overwhelming. It wasn't a reception of arms and drugs, we were in the middle of a purchase and a huge one at that. I nudged David. We had to escape as soon as possible. We had enough evidence on camera. In the middle of our escape plan, a white owl swooped down , landed on David's back and flew back into the air. None of us moved, but it wasn't enough. One of the armed men locked eyes with me for a few moments and turned his attention back.

I was guessing he was an agent as well, but once again I was wrong. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself. The cold sting of the needle stung my neck, releasing whatever toxin into my system. Uncontrollable numbness consumed my body. Before I blacked out, I had the last view of David standing over me with the syringe in his hand. I'm sure the disbelief and shock knocked me out before the drug took effect. It was unbelievable. Whichever drug they gave me wore off faster than I would have preferred. I wouldn't have admitted it then but I was scared as hell. Immediately i regained my consciousness , I turned my head at lightning speed looking for David. I had some 'unkind' words for him, but he wasn't there. I shouted his name, but nobody was kind enough to state the obvious fact of his absence. There were raised voices as Ivanka and the other guy disagreed over the terms of their transaction. There was the quick, loud sound of a bullet being discharged. Ivanka made the cold blooded order for the body to be disposed off and for the merchandise to be transferred onto her trucks. After a few minutes of gunfire, the other man's entourage was annihilated and the merchandise was taken.

The armed men parted suddenly, making way for Ivanka. She stood in front of me looking very intimidating with her white Versace pantsuit and flawless hair and manicure. She stared at me with her piercing green eyes. I was forced to look away. She held my jaw in her hand and brought my face close to hers. Without looking away, she ordered for me to be killed and dumped in the water. I spat a heavy load of warm saliva straight into her face and she didn't even blink. She simply took my sleeve and wiped it off. Before turning around and leaving, she whispered in my ear " I see why she likes you." She turned around and sashayed away with her elegantly done blonde curls swishing behind her, temporarily mesmerising everyone around.

A few seconds after she left, the cold barrel of a gun was pressed against the back of my neck. My whole body tensed on instinct. A grumpy sounding voice ordered me to get up and walk. My asking about which direction I was supposed to walk in resulted in the handle of the gun being smashed against my temple. I rolled my eyes and proceeded forward. He led me to the edge of the docks. I saw my opportunity and I took it. I threw my elbow backwards, smashing it into his nose. In the few moments in which he stumbled backwards, I lodged my fist into his diaphragm, knocking all the air out of his lungs. I jumped into the water below, letting the cold and darkness consume me. I began to kick, swimming away from the shore. It had been a while since I had felt the pain of being shot. I managed to swim away from the bullets cascading into the water but I had used most of my energy. Slowly, things began to blur till everything went black and I began to descend to the bottom of the sea.