Sun received the news of the immediate fall of some cities in the hands of Moon Realm.
"Your Imperial Majesty, some of the cities in the outer regions fell in to the hands of the enemy." Fossil reported.
"What are those cities?" Sun asked him.
"The only ones left standing were the City of Ihoyo, Altair, Fomalhaut, and Procyon." Fossil read the report.
"Th-that means! Deneb, Rigel, and Hadar fell to the invaders?!" Sun asked angrily.
"I am afraid it is true, Your Imperial Majesty." Fossil replied.
"Scramble the defenses in the capital. Reinforce the Cities of Betelgeuse, Capella, Arcturus, and Pegasi. Implement mass conscription according to the rules of the Sun. Prepare the Taiyou army. Send me a letter to Sirius tell him that he is assigned to regain Rigel. Lastly, call a meeting for the chiefs of staffs." Sun ordered him.
"As you wish, Your Imperial Majesty." Fossil replied.