A day passed, Sun woke up on a bed and he smelled some smoke outside. It was Flower who was cooking some vegetables she got from the market.
"Oh, you are awake." Flower told him as he looked at what she was cooking.
"Yeah. What happened?" Sun asked.
"You didn't know what happened?" Flower responded with a question.
"I didn't know what happened. All I can remember was that my head ached and I heard a voice calming me down and I blacked out." Sun replied as he looked around.
"What?!" Flower shouted.
"Where are we?" Sun asked her.
"We are at Satsukushima. You suddenly stormed here." Flower replied.
"What? I stormed the city?" Sun asked.
"Yes. You killed every Moon Realm soldiers. You even killed 6 strong mages yesterday." Flower replied as she continued to cook.
"I did? How? I have no idea what happened." Sun asked.
"You were fighting them mercilessly. Wait, when did your eyes went back into black?" Flower was telling him what happened when she saw his eyes.