One cuties, one hottie


19 December 2018 ;

Half day for next attack and 13 days before apocalypse ;

At 4: 15 pm ;

“ So, the reason why Country V comes in top10 Countries of the World, for its culture, heritage and development is because of this Council.” Saheed asked.

“ It’s not Council, it’s The Council, Sir. Everyone here adds ‘The’ as a form of respect.

And yep , it was The Council because of which we are what we are today.

As the ancestors of that time, took a 1000 billion dollars loan from The World Bank, which then was distributed equally for food import, flora, fauna import, the import of cement and bricks, import of fuel and almost everything.

And just within 1 century, the descendants of those ancestors, turned that 1000 into 100,000 billion dollars. While earning the title of independent and developed country.