Well, speaking frankly, then in his country, as per his religion, going even near to a woman, or having any ill intention toward any woman, is like disrespecting The Supreme Almighty.
To say nothing about touching or embracing or being intimate. As in their country, in their religion, they are supposed to get close … very very close to only and only one woman;
the woman they love, the woman , to whom they want to marry or they get marry to. The woman , who takes care of their family, the woman who gives birth to the next generation of their family.
That one and only one woman. And despite being an agent, despite being around Agent P and many female agents, he had never ever crossed his line. No matter how dire the situation or the consequences had been.
But here, just a single cute angry look from her and he is all doomed. His ethics. His principles. His rules. His customs and all are just nothing when they get to compare with her.