
A New era!

A shore. Havila.


The sound was swallowed by the crashing waves in distance. The horizon seemed to be swelling to the call of the reefs as the sun splattered its rays on the lips of the water. The torrent had ranged and the blueness of the sea was endangered.

From the waves of the sea, one could hear the chittering of birds in distance. The calls of the birds in the scanty forest. The sharp sand which occasionally was soaked in the pride of the waters had nested some of the birds.

Between these two elements, the sea and the forest, was a heap of ruins caused by fire. Ashes from the ruins were carried around by the whooshing winds.

It could be said that the winds were in delight of such task. They skipped in gay around as they bore with them handful of the ashes.

At the spot were the ruins was lying, there were displaced woods and metals. These elements had been swept into a whole that a heap of the ruins had been made.