Worse Than The Reported News (Part II)

Hooves clacked against the earth, resounding across the plain as the steady beat grew louder. Soldiers clad in their gothic armour sat upon their high steeds as they followed after the lead of their general.

Xander glanced behind him at the men before urging them to keep up. He had been travelling for a few hours upwards to Tefflander Village where the rebellion was seemingly getting worse.

There was little he could do to appease the outcry of rebellion aside from personally showing his face to his people and offering them aid. They had probably felt abandoned and mistreated due to his actions. Lilith had been right all along. Xander clenched his teeth as he brought his gaze forward, cuing his men to follow him as he increased the pace of his black steed.

They were close to Ihgor, a rural town under the supervision of Count Douwell, or what used to be of House Douwell, which had been influenced by the Tefflander villagers to join in the rebellion.

The reports had notified Xander of the unified front put up by the villagers. They were currently following under the leadership of the head chief from the Tefflander Village. He clicked his tongue from the thought as he made his way towards the town.


Mikhail stared at the vast plains before him, the backs of the villagers from Tefflander filled his view. He frowned as he averted his gaze from the crowd and turned towards the trees on the far side of town. He was currently in Ihgor along with the villagers as they had forced him to participate in their "so-called rally".

Up ahead in the distance, a cloud of dirt could be seen. He squinted his eyes for a better view before the clamoring of the villagers came to a halt. They had noticed it too. Mikhail was surprised when they suddenly held up their pitchforks and hoes.

Pulling himself out from his stupor, Mikhail felt the ground rumble beneath his feet as the clopping of hooves echoed through the plain. His eyes wandered the plain as a familiar glimmer from a head of silver caught his sight.

"Xan...der?" Mikhail muttered absentmindedly. There was a larger army compared to the day he had first seen him, he felt worried and scared. Did the villagers plan to dig their grave by rebelling? Does this mean the King was plannning to shed the villagers' blood?

The possibility was high, especially since there was a huge army, covered head-to-toe, in full armor. They didn't look like they were just going to negotiate peacefully, they looked ready for bloodshed.

"Let's send a messenger to see what they have to say." a man said, drawing Mikhail to turn his terrified gaze towards him.

"What about the newest addition to Tefflander? Mikhail? Won't you do me this favor?" the village head said with a cunning smile.

"What... N-no. I don't think I could do such an important task. W-why don't you? You're the village head."

The village head scoffed as he shook his head in disappointment. "It's precisely because I am the village head that I can't risk going out there. Who would run the village if anything were to go wrong?"

Mikhail frowned upon hearing such statement. It was obvious the man could only think about himself. Why did the others even follow him?

"Your daughter could run the vi..."

"Susie?! No way! She's a woman! How could she possibly. Hey, enough chit chat! Someone, toss him out there! He needs to do the talking!"

"What?! I already declined!" Mikhail exclaimed as he was dragged and thrown onto the ground, far from where he once stood. His eyes widened as he glanced back at the villager who was now running back to the village head's side.

What terrible people... They're worse than the savages in the West! I hope they get culled... no... that's too...

Mikhail turned towards the dust of cloud. The army were growing nearer, he felt his stomach clench as he slowly stood up. He brushed off the dirt from his pants as he nervously watched his now ensuing death.


Xander stared at the scene which unfolded before him. The villagers had tossed someone in front of their crowd, in the path of his army. He frowned from such display of savagery. Were they not his people? His tongue tasted a hint of iron as he clenched on his teeth.

He felt ashamed that such boorish people filled his lands. How could they be called humans if they lacked empathy? From the sight, he knew the young man they threw before him was definitely not the village head. It's unconcievable that a sacrificial lamb was thrown in for the man's benefit.

Xander wanted to settle things peacefully, but such people didn't deserve his generosity. They reminded him of the King of the North and how he simply offered Lilith to him. Even though she had been bethroned to him. He was willing to simply toss her aside for the sake of politics.

It had felt like an elaborate plan from the start, trying to curry favor from me by sending his fiancée to me as a tribute of peace. I had no say in the matter as my father at the time, accepted the proposal without second thought. The war during his reign was terrible, however, with the peace treaty from the marriage between Lilith and I, all problems could be solved.

Xander then pulled his horse to a halt as he stared at the young man. His thoughts interrupted as he glanced at the hooded man. The cape seemed somewhat familiar.

As Xander was wracking his brain on the matter, violet eyes caught his. He was struck gobsmacked with the realisation that the person before him was the young man that he had originally been looking for.

With a wave of his hand, Xander commanded the army to pull to a halt. Instead of sending the messenger, he climbed off his horse. The loud gasps of his troops filling the rigid atmosphere.


Mikhail flinched as he watched Xander walking towards him. His initial thought was to run, however, he couldn't just do that as his mother was still in the village. Anxiety for his mother's safety plagued his mind as he gulped the lump forming in his throat.

With a genuflect, Mikhail lowered his head, nervously praying that his initial thought would not happen. "G-greetings, My Lord."


Out of nowhere, Mikhail felt his arms closing in on him as he was wrapped in a tight embrace. His eyes pried opened and he saw the silver hair, similar to his, reflecting the light.

In a stupor, Mikhail could only blink stupidly. His mind filled with questions of his current situation.

"I thought... I'd never see you again." Xander said as he loosened his grip around Mikhail, pulling away as he pulled his lips into a soft smile.

Still in disbelief, Mikhail stared openly at the pale skinned man. His eyes fixated on the beautiful beads of sapphire that were the man's eyes.

"Huh? What?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. That was a little awkward. I was just... really worried, on your wellbeing."

Slightly relieved but still anxious, Mikhail sighed nervously as he pulled his lips into an awkward grin. "O-oh... I see..."

"Now... about the rebellion..."

"Gasp! My Lord! It was more of a group meeting rather than a rebellion! The... Uhh... We...? Were just expressing our feelings regarding the closed ports... Without access to the ports, we can't exactly sell our grains or trade for other necessary foods... so... ur..."

"Is that what the village head asked you to say?"

"Huh? No! This is... this is true!"

"Well. You're not exactly wrong... nor are you right. The village head... well... it's more or less unfinished business."

"What do you mean?"

"He was involved with the previous House Douwell... in illegal animal distribution, prostitution and slavery."

At Xander's words, Mikhail drew a sharp breath and took a step back. His eyes turned towards the village head, he felt an indescribable feeling consume him as he thought back on the past few months he had lived in the village. A sense of nausea immediately engulfing him.

There had been weird howling and sobbings whenever he passed by a certain area in the village. The villagers had all told him it was the rustling of the wind. Had everything been a lie? Mikhail felt his stomach churn as the taste of bile filled his mouth.

"Mikhail? Are you alright?"

With a sickened expression, Mikhail shook his head with a regretful look. His initial empathy for the villagers seemingly ran cold. "... S-sorry... I'm..."

"That's fine."

As Xander watched Mikhail wrapping his arms around his waist, his attention drifted towards a silhouette drawing closer towards him.

The village head walked over towards him with a seemingly smug face. That all changed when he saw Mikhail's face which seemed to be somewhat green and his arms around held firmly against his waist. He silently cursed, wondering why he thought the coast was clear.

"Erm... Greetings Your..." Before the village head could finish his sentence, his arms were held against his back. His eyes widened as he glanced nervously at Xander.

"Village Head, save your breath. You have been depleted of your chances. House Douwell is no more. So save your act and admit your crimes."

The village head gritted his teeth as he nervously glanced around. He then glared at Xander garnering a tight squeeze around his wrists. "... Tsk... So what of House Douwell?! I merely serve under them... Whatever you're doing... is uncalled for... we are mere villagers, trying to survive!.. Just to earn enough money to bring back to our families!"

"... It seems that you chose an entirely different method of earning money, though."

At his statement, the village head expectorated on the ground. An expression of contempt, as he shook his head disapprovingly.

"All you have are pretty words. Without prove, there is no way you could say I was involved in it."

As Xander glared at the man, Mikhail interjected with an unreadable expression. "I have proof!"

"Mikhail?! What are you talking about?! There's no way that is possible! I'm merely a humble man being accused of such lunacy!"

Xander turned to face Mikhail who now looked slightly refreshed. Apparently he had managed to calm his stomach from its initial queasiness.

"Is that true?"

"Yes. I'll lead you to Tefflander!"

"Mikhail! What are you doing?! There is no such thing going on within Tefflander! If my daughter sees this, she'll be appalled!" the village head said as he struggled to free himself from the confines of the armored man.

With new resolve, Mikhail ignored the pleas from the village head as he ushered Xander to follow his lead. Xander smiled softly as he felt a tickle of joy in his chest from watching his son. He then commanded the army to follow him, as they rounded up the villagers and headed for Tefflander.