Worse Than The Reported News (Part VI)

"Big brother Mikhail, how is it?" a girl asked as she tugged on the hem of Mikhail's cloak.

Mikhail rubbed the beading sweat off his forehead as he turned towards the girl, a smile plastered on his exhausted face. "Just a little while longer. I think I'm close to an exit."

The girl squealed with glee as she rushed back towards the other kids, informing them of the good news.

The children then gathered around Mikhail. He could faintly see the hopeful smile on their faces, illuminated by a sliver of light.

"We'll help you. Sorry we made you work so hard for our sakes... we just didn't want to be let down again... hope feels... too fragile down here."

Mikhail nodded solemnly as he patted the young boy's back, pulling him into a tight embrace. "It's okay, I'm certain this is a way out."

After Mikhail soothed the boy, he instructed the children on what they were to do as he added some of the trickling water to the sandy soil.

The soil easily absorbed the water as Mikhail quickly dug out the earth with a loose flat rock he found nearby. He had to work quickly as he knew the foundation of the walls and the house above would deteriorate, not to mention, his growing anxiety for his mother's safety was now beginning to overwhelm him.

"Br-- Big brother! There... there's a hole!" a girl exclaimed with excitement as she pointed out to the small hole in front of her.

Mikhail pulled himself from his stupor before quickly analysing the hole. It is still shallow... but with further digging, it would be deep and big enough for them to pass through.

"That's great. Let's quickly get to work then."

"Okay!" the children said in unison as they found the flattest piece of rock they could fine. Mikhail aided them as well, even though he had to use his bare hands now as the children begged for him to give them his rock.

It's not long till we get out of here... Mikhail thought as he held onto the sliver of hope in his chest. His fingers had begun to burn and he could feel the stinging of the earth digging into his wounds. However, he didn't stop and kept tearing the earth walls for an exit.


"Do you smell that?"

"Smells like one of us..."

"No, you're wrong. It's probably her."

"No way... I thought that was a far off dream... that the news was ludicrous."

"Apparently not. For before us... she walks, talks... and breathes..."

Xander entered the forest warily, his hand on the hilt of his sword. He needed to be certain no harm would befall Diane. His eyes studied the dense forest that was now lightly covered in fog.

Daybreak was presumably near, however, in the thicket of trees, the moonlight barely lit the forest floor. Xander then shifted his gaze towards the sound of low whisperings.

It was impossible for any man to be alive unless the beasts had decided to spare them. It was unlikely however, as there were mauled chunks of meat in the vicinity and definitely no sign of human life.

His soldiers barely survived, so it was not possible there were men who could coexist with the beasts. They had been caught, chained and probably tormented by mankind to bother with the sentiments of a kind divine beast.

"Who's there?" Xander called out as he glanced around the forest.

Diane brought her gaze towards Xander as she stared at him in confusion. Who was he calling out to? The entire forest was dead silent and a feeling of foreboding sent a shiver down her spine.

"Your Highness... um... who are you tal..."

Just as Diane was about to ask Xander who he was talking to, she felt a strange sense of familiarity in the surroundings that she couldn't quite pinpoint.


"We're out! We did it!" Mikhail exclaimed as he pulled his lips to a wide grin, giving some of the children a hi-5.

After their mini celebration, Mikhail then glanced around him. His previous grin, pulling to a frown as he noticed the high brick walls surrounding them.

They seemed to be in a canal of some sorts. The putrid smell assailed Mikhail's delicate nostrils as he quickly held onto the bridge of his nose.

The dim lighting in the canals made it hard to see. He immediately grabbed hold of one of the children's hands, telling them to link hands as he decided to guide them towards an exit.


Diane sighed as the last of her mana was used to aid the beasts. They had seemed threatening when she first saw them, however, since no harm came to her, she felt slightly at ease.

Xander watched Diane in silence as he kept his guards up. It's best to stay aware of his surroundings since the beasts could simply not keep their promises.

"Son of man, fret not. We keep our promises. We thank you for coming to our aid. As repayment, we'll bless you with knowledge of the young man this woman is searching for."

"What?" Xander muttered before his thoughts were flooded with a place he'd never been before. It was hard to see in the dim lighting but he picked out a familiar figure.

Just as he was about to reach out to the young man, the image flickered and disappeared. He was brought back to the present with Diane grasping him tight to her bosom. Her face wracked with distraught.

"Xander?! Are you alright? You suddenly fainted!"

"What? I merely spaced out..."

"What are you talking about? You didn't respond for a good half an hour..."

Xander's eyes widened as he swept his gaze towards Diane's face. She didn't seem to be lying. He then placed his hand against her cheek as he gently caressed it.

"I'm... sorry for worrying you."


Diane then held his hand in hers as she silently nodded. It was impossible to act distant with him when she was genuinely concerned.

He seemed to be conversing with himself and suddenly fainted... He couldn't even remember the past... is something happening to Xander?

As Diane opened her mouth to ask Xander regarding this matter, a scream resounded throughout the forest. The pair turned towards the scream, laying their eyes on a girl with ebony hair and widened amber eyes.


Susie glared at Diane as her eyes gleamed dangerously. She then raised her finger as she pointed accusingly at Diane. Words that shouldn't exit a pure maiden's lips poured out envisioning a gushing flow of river.

Xander frowned at the profanities escaping the girl's lips as he noticed a gleaming blade in her hands. As he moved to get up, Susie had rushed towards Diane.

Diane squeezed her eyes shut as she anticipated a sharp feeling in her side. A metallic clang resounded as she dared to pry her eyes open. Xander stood before her and Susie as he grabbed and striked Susie's hands, forcing her to drop the knife.

With a sharp gasp, Susie pulled her wrists out of Xander's grasp, rubbing her wrists with a face morphed in a mixture of anger and regret. She then brought her gaze towards Xander as she frowned, her eyes filled with hatred.

"Looks like I've been caught... not like it makes any difference."

Diane glanced from Xander to Susie, confusion apparent on her delicate face. Even with everything unfolding before her, she found it hard to comprehend the situation.

"X-Xander... what's going on? S-Susie...? The knife... why did you use it?"

"Diane, it's not safe here. Perhaps you should head back first. I'll deal with this girl."

"Xander? B-but Susie is just a normal girl..."

"Exactly, Mr. Xander." Susie said in a mocking tone. Xander's eyebrows twitched as his eyes narrowed.

"Susie! Watch your tongue! This is the... He's an important person!"

For a second, Xander felt his anger dissipate. However, his prior anger was fuelled once more when Susie expectorated on the ground, as if his name was laced with poison on her tongue.

"So what if he's the King. Such a person cares about nothing but wealth, fame and power!"

"S-Susie! What are you talking about?"

"Did you think we could even survive if we hadn't taken part in animal trafficking and slavery? This barren land far from anywhere? Don't flatter yourself! You claim you love your citizens, yet, we have never received aid from you!"

Xander took on a defensive stance as his expression contorted into one of confusion. He had always sent his messengers out to report regarding lands that needed aid and extended help to them by sending rations till they could support themselves.

As he was pondering the thought, a rising heat filled his surroundings. He perked up and instructed Diane to leave once more. His gaze lingered on Diane's receding figure for a second too long when a ball of fire struck the ground before him, sending an explosion of dust and earth that threw Xander off his feet and straight against a large tree bark.

"I'll take you down if that's the last thing I do!" Susie yelled as her eyes glowed a dangerous red. Another flow of heat gathered at her hands as a ball of fire grew apparent. Susie then lifted her hands as she tossed the ball of fire straight towards Xander.

"Xander! No!" Diane yelled out as she watched the fireball grow larger, almost enveloping him completely.

"Hehehehe... Finally... He's gone..." Susie cackled as she breathed heavily.

"A mage. I didn't expect one here." Xander said as he brushed off the dirt and soot that coated his armor.

Diane who had her cheeks wet with tears looked up in disbelief as she felt a slight smile tugging at her lips. She had been upset, blaming herself because she couldn't will her legs to move to save Xander.

"What? You're still alive?!" Susie exclaimed, the smile wiped from her face.

"I've been at war against those Agrestians who bought services of the mages for years. Of course I'll survive this."

"Damn you! I'll just have to use more of my mana then! To hell with you!" Susie yelled as the heat grew stronger.

The trees were cloaked in a veil of fire as clouds of black formed, choking the trio. Diane struggled getting up, rushing after Xander as she tried to pull him to safety.

"Xander! We need to leave!"

"Diane... that's fine. You leave. I need to settle this here and now. I'll meet you later."

Diane scrunched her nose as she slapped him straight across the face. Her eyebrows knitted as she frowned.

Xander blinked slowly before turning to face her. He then kept his sword back into it's scabbard, glancing swiftly at the growing ball of fire and Diane's face. With the smoke, it was tough for the mage to tell where he was.

The wispy clouds of black grew stronger as he held his breath. He then pulled Diane to the ground as he placed a finger to his mouth, telling her to keep silent.

They then progressed through the heavy smokes and billowing flames as they crawled on the ground. It was the only way to possibly make it out alive, what with the heavy smokes and scorching flames.

"Where are you?! Take this! And this!" Susie yelled as she fired off more fire balls. The balls of fire were growing weaker as she choked on the smoke, coughing into her arm as she was evidently running out of mana.

"You better... cough... cough... not think of escaping!" Susie yelled as she encircled the gnarly trees in a ring of fire, sealing of any possible exit.

Xander cursed beneath his breath as he took off his cape. He placed it around Diane as he wrapped her snugly in it.

"Diane... I hate having to part this way... but... you'll be safe in this. This cape can withstand a variety of magical attacks."

"What... what about you?"

Xander smiled solemnly as he pushed Diane out of the ring of fire, onto the cool earth coated with morning dew.

A single tear slid down Diane's cheek as she stared at the wall of fire, her hand still outstretched.

Xander... we have to part this way again... Why do you always protect me? ... Why... Do you make me so confused...

Diane then wrapped herself in Xander's cape as she ran to the village. She needed to alert the villagers and the soldiers of the fire as well as inform the general about Xander's situation urgently.

If it's this much... I should be able to do it! Xander... Wait for me...