"It seems... she was abducted after all..." Xander said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair exasperatedly.
Mikhail looked at him with conflicted emotions before slumping into his seat beside Xander. He rested his face in his palms as he sighed miserably.
The Platinum Knights and Blood Knights had scoured the entirety of the forest as well as the village and hadn't found any signs of a woman matching Diane's descriptions. They eventually were forced to turn up empty-handed and felt concerned when they noticed Xander's expression which had immediately turned grim.
Xander stared at the black cloak in his hand that was the only other thing that could possibly be linked to her disappearance. The cape that he had lent to her prior her abduction was now draped across his shoulders, where it originally belonged.
He sighed once more before touching the dark and furry hem of his cape. Now that she was missing, the cape was the last thing he could remember sharing personally with her.
The mood in the room felt depressingly heavy as Xander kept stroking his cape whilst Mikhail moped around and pouted. The generals of both the Platinum Knights and the Blood Knights felt uncomfortable with the heavy atmosphere in the room as they glanced at each other from time to time.
"Ah, enough moping around. Don't you have work to do? I'm sure there is a clue somewhere or other that we have overlooked." Susie said as she slammed her palms against the desk where they had held their meeting to express her annoyance.
Xander looked up at her and creased his brows before nodding solemnly. He had to admit, the black dog was right. There wasn't anything worse than moping around and hoping for a miracle to happen unless you were to do something about it. Guess there are some times when the black dog is useful.
"Well, we'll search again tomorrow. For now, round up the villagers. We're going to distribute the rations and help them select a new leader. Hopefully someone who can teach them right from wrong. Hmm... Say, what about you black dog?"
"Huh? Me?" Susie asked as she noticed Xander directing his gaze towards her.
"You think they'd listen to a woman? Please. They'd rather die than take orders from a woman who's 5 feet 2" and has such a beautiful face." Susie said with slight sarcasm as she folded her arms. She honestly didn't want the role as it would hinder the time she could spend with Mikhail.
"Right." Xander said as he brushed off her narcissistic remark.
"Wait, did you just--" Susie exclaimed but was cut off by Xander as he continued his sentence.
"I don't see a problem with them accepting you as the next village head. Especially since they know that you're a mage yourself. They will have more respect as you can protect the village should anything arise."
Xander wanted to push Susie into accepting the job as he found how she kept throwing herself onto Mikhail annoying. Not to mention how often she grated on his nerves. If she was the next head, she'd be forced to prioritise her job.
Petty payback aside, Susie had sharp intuitions and was a promising leader. She also was strong enough to combat against Xander, not cowering despite the difference in skills. Her sharp tongue may be a problem but she knows how and when to hold back. It made her a suitable candidate.
Mikhail suddenly stood up as he bowed his head out of respect towards Xander. He then left the room immediately after as everyone present glanced at the slightly open door.
Susie immediately got up and chased after Mikhail, leaving Xander in the room with his two generals. Sensing that Xander wanted to follow after the duo, the two generals stopped him as they decided to give him their reports on the village. Xander sighed and obliged as he propped himself upright to listen to them.
"Mikhail? Where are you?" Susie yelled as she noticed Mikhail in a corner, hidden behind some wooden barrels.
"Aww... Why are you hiding here?" Susie asked as she noticed Mikhail's shoulders jump.
"I... How did you find me? I thought the barrels could hide me."
"When it comes to you... I just know."
Mikhail stared thoughtfully at Susie before relaxing his body. He then patted on the ground next to him, inviting her to sit beside him.
Susie squealed with delight as she jumped at the chance. She then sat next to him feeling excited and giddy. Mikhail smiled slightly before turning his gaze back to the ground.
"Truthfully... I have a feeling that mother is nowhere in the village. I believe even the King knows it. Yet... I just feel so frustrated that we couldn't find a single clue that could lead to her whereabouts. Even the cloak... It's just a cloak. There's nothing on it. No emblem, no name... It gives nothing away..."
Susie glances at Mikhail with a meaningful look as she ran her hand down his back, patting him so as to calm him down. Her heart hurts to see him look so miserable.
"If you do find her... what would you do?"
"... I don't know... I want to beat up that person who took her away so badly... But... violence doesn't solve anything... I just... want her to be safe."
Susie then pulled Mikhail into her arms as she comforted him. Mikhail found it hard to control his emotions and held onto her tightly as he sobbed into her shoulders.
The two stayed that way for a long while until Mikhail fell asleep. Susie pulled him off her shoulder and rested his head on her lap as she brushed his silver locks away to observe his face.
Mikhail's eyes were puffy and red while his cheeks were stained with tears. Susie smiled solemnly as she ran her fingers down his cheek, caressing it gently as she wiped away a tear that escaped from his eye.
"Don't worry. Your enemy... is my enemy. I'll help you get rid of them. Then I'll have your full attention placed on me." Susie said with a devilish grin.
"Where were you? What if something were to happen to you as well?" Xander asked as he glared at Mikhail.
Mikhail shrinked with shame as he glanced at his worn leather boots. He didn't want to reveal that he had been pouting and crying to Xander. Hence, he kept his lips sealed and stared at the dirt caught on his boots.
"Ah, stop your barking. He was with me." Susie said as she rolled her eyes at Xander. This old geezer is acting like he is Mikhail's father, how annoying, hogging all the attention.
"That's even worse!" Xander exclaimed with a horrified expression as he glanced at the two before him.
"HAH?!" Susie exclaimed with an annoyed expression on her face. Does she really look like she would gobble Mikhail up if they were to spend a few hours together?! ... ... Oh, wait a minute.
Susie scratched her cheek lightly as she felt slightly guilty at the thought about what she had done earlier. She nearly stole a kiss from Mikhail while he was sleeping and averted her gaze from Xander, whistling innocently.
Xander narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously before folding his arms. It felt more worrisome to leave Mikhail in the village with such a predator of a woman. Just thinking about it made him highly concerned for Mikhail's future.
"Why are you looking at me like I'm some sort of criminal?!"
"Technically, you are! You pointed your... what do you call it... stick at the King! That's rebellious and concerning as you are a threat to the royals. Basically, you're committing treason!"
"Well, duh! That's the point! And its a scepter not a puny stick! I'd say it is sturdier than your tiny twig! Just roll over and die already! Aren't you old enough?"
"What was that you dog?! I'm still in the prime of my life! And my d*ck is more reminiscent of a tree bark rather than a twig!" Xander fumed as his cheeks flushed red with anger.
"Di-- why you vulgar... Since when did I mention anything about d*cks?! But if we're talking about them, mine should be bigger than yours!"
"You calling me a liar?! That was precisely what you meant! You're the real liar here! Tossing your facade of a pitiful girl while being a ruthless and psychotic killer! Huh... Wait a sec... what did you say?"
"You are a liar! I've mentioned it since the beginning! Crazy old fart! You never care about your citizens!"
"No no no. Before that. You... You're a guy?"
"What? Like ummm, duh?"
"You put on a skirt and chase after Mikhail?! What the hell?!"
"As if you're any better, from what it seems you look like you're chasing after Mikhail's mother."
"Wha--" Xander furrowed his brows at the statement as he found himself at a loss of words. Was it that obvious?
Sparing no time, Susie continued to diss Xander leading to their continuous bickering that lasted for a long while as Mikhail watched them from the side. He smiled and hoped that they'd get along well as they do now.
I'm sure Susie doesn't mean what she says. The look on her face whilst arguing with Xander was similar to the one she had when she was having fun.
"You guys are such good friends." Mikhail blurted out unexpectedly, causing both Xander and Susie to stare at him with concern.
"What part of me looks like I'd be cool being friends with an old fart?!"
"Old fart?! Why you... How would I possibly be able to stand breathing the same air as this black dog?!"
Mikhail smiled awkwardly as the two started bickering once again with an entirely new topic to fight about. He then walked over to the desk and stared at the black cloak, picking it up as he observed the threads.
After staring at it for a moment, the cape suddenly was coated with dark flames. Mikhail's eyes widened as he instinctively dropped it in a startle, drawing the attention of the bickering duo. They then watched as the last link connnected to Diane's disappearance was consumed by black flames.
"N-no... The only clue..." Mikhail sputtered as he tried to grab the cloak. As his hand drew closer, the fire burned with more vigor rendering the cloak into mere ashes before they dissipated into thin air.
"M-Mom... Ugh... Hyuck.... Uh..." Mikhail started to weep as he found himself at a loss once again.
Was it my fault the cloak got set on fire? I barely touched it... Why would it? With no clues left... how am I supposed to find her?
"Has he come out of his room yet? Blackie?"
"If you call me Blackie one more time, I'll turn you into charcoal. And, no. He hasn't. Sucks having to sit in this room with you."
"What was that?! That should be my line! ...Ugh... to think that you have rendered me to such childish antics is beyond me." Xander sighed as he massaged his temples.
Susie and Xander were seated in the living area of Mikhail's house far apart from one another. Xander sat at the dining table while Susie sat in front of the fireplace, a great seat for the first view of Mikhail's face, that is, if he would come out of his room.
Xander tapped his fingers on the table in a rhythmic beat as he stared anxiously at the door. He had already settled the issue with the villagers and stationed a few of his men which lived nearby to the area.
Susie rejected the offer as village head while the position was then easily tossed to a young man who had been Susie's rival for years, though it was mostly self-proclaimed on his end.
The problem that remains is the fact that Mikhail had himself holed up in his room after the cloak turned to ashes. Now, the duo decided to let time do the work as they waited patiently for him to show his face. Grief works differently for everyone after all.