Mikhail fluttered open his eyelids as he felt a cold drop of water sliding off his forehead, down to his chin. He swipes it off with his hands and finds his clothes still damp against his body.
He sat himself up before pulling off his hood and shirt, wringing them dry of water as he searched for a place to hang them. The rain seemed to slow down, falling in a light drizzle as dim lighting came through the hole on the ceiling.
As he was pondering on where to dry his clothes, there was another tremor which caught him by surprise. Mikhail gasped as he suddenly remembered what had transpired earlier.
Is this a dream?! I'm still alive! I'd have thought the tiny snake was bringing me back as a meal....
Just as Mikhail thought that, he was met face to face with a ginormous serpent. It's eyes shone an even brilliant gold while it's scales looked sturdy with a similar copper shine.