"How do you make this...?" Mikhail fumbles about with the dried herbs as he pondered how much was necessary to brew the remedy William had mentioned.
The messenger walks over and sits beside him, easing himself on the log as he peered at the bag of herbs in Mikhail's hands. Mikhail caught him staring and smiled as he asked him for his aid.
"Hello. Do you think you can help me determine how much is necessary for the herbal remedy?" Mikhail tilted his head curiously as the messenger jolted and nodded a little to enthusiastically.
"Oh this... woah it's the most expensive herb..." the messenger whispered as Mikhail handed him the small bag of herbs from earlier.
"Pardon?" Mikhail blinked cluelessly as the messenger assured him that it wasn't important and weighed out a few pinches of the dried herbs before placing in the small pot he had on him before bringing it to a warm brew with the aid of the warming stone and a small pile of firewood.