The fork had almost touched Celina on her chest, when it stopped. Celina opened her eyes to see what had happened. She saw Ördög struggling with the fork. It didn't move further than the way is was.
Ördög turned back, then turned to Celina. When he turned back, he saw something, but couldn't see clearly. So he turned back again. It wasn't a something, it was someone.
" how dare you touch my wife? Devon said with a cold voice, as he hold the edge of the fork with only one hand.
" I thought you would never wake up. I thought you would stay unconscious until she's dead " Ördög said with a smile.
" I... th... thought... s..s... same " Celina struggled to say, as Ördög was still choking her. Devon turned to Celina. As he saw how Ördög was choking Celina, He threw the fork as well as Ördög along with it. Before Celina could hit the ground, Devon catched her.
" I've hit the ground more than five times " Celina said as she took in some breath to calm herself down.
" and he will hit the ground more than twenty times " Devon said, then he stood up. Devon rushed to Ördög's direction...
" he can pass through walls " Celina hurriedly yelled, as she saw Ördög entering the wall. To her surprise, Devon also entered the wall.
" OMG " Celina said surprised. Devon and Ördög have stayed inside the wall for almost five minutes. Celina had already gone to the freezer to get some ice pack, for her head.
" this room used to be amazing, and now it's so scattered with blocks " Celina complained to herself, as the ice was already on her head.
" when Devon's done beating that goat, I'm gonna give him the finish touch. Look at my face, I'm gonna avenge my beauty " Celina said as she stared in the mirror.
A few minutes later, Ördög flew out of the wall, and hit the other. Devon then disappeared to the other side, then kicked Ördög back to the other side. Devon repeated it two more times, before Ördög became lucky enough to punch Devon's face.
" my husband's beautiful face " Celina yelled as she stood up furiously.
Devon cleaned the blood from corner of his lips, then smirked.
" you're dead " Devon said, then teleport. Ördög looked round, searching looking for where Devon's gonna show up from.
All of a sudden, Devon came out from under Ördög,and took him up to the roof. After Ördög had the opportunity to fight back, he started kicking and punching, and same goes to Devon. Some attacks would touch, and some won't. The once that they are able to dodge, they will dodge.
They fought, as they went up. They even broke the roof and went up to the sky. Devon gave Ördög a very hard kick that pushed him to the lift side. They were still in the sky.
As Ördög stood still on air, his big fork appeared in his hand. While Devon was flying opposite Ördög.
They both went after each other. At the last minute, Devon disappeared, and appeared under the fork. He took the fork off Ördög's hand, then disappeared, and this time appeared behind Ördög. Devon was as fast as lightning. He then stabbed Ördög in the chest. With his own fork.
Devon hold the body, the disappeared, and appeared in his room.
Celina went to Ördög's body, the kicked it.
" you goat " she kept on kicking him.
" Celina Celina " Devon stopped her.
" you demon, why didn't you wake up sooner? I got beat up because of you " Celina yelled upset.
" but your face is as clear and fresh as ever " Devon said.
" what? " Celina asked confused. She quickly rushed to the mirror.
" your blood made it possible " Devon said as he walked closer.
" I love my blood " Celina smiled. " But I love you more " Celina said as she turned back, and hugged Devon.
" Celina, when did you realize I was gone? " Devon asked, still holding Celina in his arms.
" today " she replied.
" today? " Devon yelled shocked, as he pulled Celina off his arms.
" why? " Celina asked confused.
" did the both of you... " Devon asked.
" no no no" Celina replied. Devon released a breath of relief.
" but we kissed " Celina added.
" what? " Devon yelled.
" I've kissed other guys in movies, just take this as another one of them " Celina tried to reason with him.
" would you have done it with him? " Devon asked.
" I noticed that his kiss was different, and her tried to kill all the servants in the mansion " Celina explained.
" speaking of all the servants, we should look for them " Devon said, then they both left the room.