Chapter sixty five

After Devon had escorted Tania out of the forest, he went back to doing what he was doing before he had saved Tiana ( finding Celina).

Grey met Devon, and quickly held Devon's hand.

" Devon " Grey called with a whispering voice. Devon didn't respond.

" let's go. You haven't slept for days " Grey said.

" let's go. Please " Grey said.

" I can feel that Celina's still alive " Devon whispered.

" everyone's searching for her. Just rest. If Celina comes back and see you like this, she won't be happy you know " Grey said. With thinking twice, Devon disappeared.

" I'm just hoping they find her " Grey said, then disappeared.

Tania went back home. When she got home, she took her bath, dressed up and lay on her bed. Facing the ceiling. And smiling.

" if someone had told me that he was just a human, I wouldn't have believed " Tania started daydreaming about the handsome guy she just met.

" I don't even know his name. Oooooh man, I'm in love, I'm in love " she kept on yelling and rolling on her bed.

" wait " she stopped. " will he ever fall for me? he has this cold face, and I think he has never fallen for someone before. I'm gonna break that cold ice that's covering his heart " she smiled.

The next day, Tania went to work. She works at an ice cream shop. All Tania could think about, was the mysterious handsome guy, and wasn't focused on her work. Tania sat beside the counter quietly and was smiling. It was pretty obvious that she was daydreaming.

" hey Tania " a voice said. Tania found the voice familiar, so she decided to look up. Tania's face glowed at the sight.

" my hero " Tania said with an hypnotizing voice, and look. You heard her right, it was the mysterious man.

" would you like to go out with me?, like somewhere we could be alone? " he said.

" yes, yes I will go out with you " she replied.

" you will? " he yelled, excited. Tania snapped out, and looked at the person in front of her.

" Jacob " she called. Jacob's her ex boyfriend. She had broken up with him, for cheating on her.

" so, you will? " he asked.

" what are you doing here? " she asked.

" o came to see you. And get back together with you " he replied.

" too late " she said, folding her hands.

" what? "

" you're too late, I'm already in love with someone else " she replied.

" but I love you " Jacob grabbed her hand.

" and so? " Tania said with an I don't care voice.

" so, come back to me " Jacob said with a sad expression on his face.

" why did you cheat on me, if you love me? " Tania said, then stood up, and entered the kitchen.

" Tania. Tania " Jacob called.

That night, Tania got home. And to her surprise, she found her stuff outside her door. Just then, her landlady came.

" I'm sorry Tania, but you should move out " she said. She had this fake sad expression on her face, which was like seriously obvious.

" but why? " Tania asked, confused.

" well, I saw this guy roaming on the street, so I decided to let him leave here " the landlady said.

" I don't have anywhere to go " Tania whispered to herself.

" I'll pay you double, just let me stay " Tania said, trying to convince her.

" sorry, but this person is paying quadruple. And I can't risk losing him " the landlady said.

" but I don't have anywhere to go " Tania cried out.

" I don't care " the landlady said.

" please " Tania had to go on her knees.

" PLEASE! JUST! GO! " the landlady yelled. " I'm going to feed my goldfish, I don't want to see you here when I get back, okay? " the landlady said, then left. Tania just felt pitiful on the ground.

" no family of mine's in this city. Jacob will surely accept me, but he will try to take advantage of the situation that I'm in " Tania thought to herself.

Tania left the building, with two suitcases. Just wondering around the street like a lost child. She just kept staring at the ground, then all of a sudden, hit a tree. She stared at the tree, then smiled.

" I should find that my mysterious man " she said.