Start of the Martial Tournament

The three families were settled to separate pavilions and The alchemist association occupied the center of the pavilion. Above the platform, a middle-aged man stood and sharply looked at the crowd, and momentum burst out instantly suppressing all the spectators. The man was sent out by the City tower to oversee the tournament. He was a king realm cultivator similar to Elder Su. Although he was just in the initial realm in the King realm. Other than Elder so no one was stronger than him.

The Elders from all the three families looked at the men with envy in their eyes. Their greatest wish was to break through to the king Realm in their life. The grand elder of the Li family had the highest cultivation among the people present in the pavilion.

"Young Lady, what do you think about him, the city tower sent a king realm cultivator to oversee the tournament" Elder Su who was standing near the young lady asked her while handing over the information about the person.

Lu yan shook her head and replied with a dismissive tone.

"The guy broke through because of some luck. His foundation is weak and does not have a bit of intent in him. The city tower is looking down on the families by sending their weakest cultivator" Lu yan sighed and thought in her heart. City tower is becoming more and more arrogant.

Wang Ji looked at the people below the platform and his eyes flashed with disdain. In the city tower he was the weakest existence but now standing here he felt that he was like a god. The people below were existing like ants in front of him.

He waved his hands and shouted arrogantly.

"The martial tournament between the three families will start now. Anyone can challenge on the platform. Killing is prohibited, also if the other party admits defeat that will be the end of the match, do all of you understand the rules" Wang Ji looked sharply at the elders in all the family and when he saw the respect in their eyes. He was satisfied and went to the corner of the platform.

"Let the first two challengers come up"

As soon as the shout ended a fat boy flew up the stage and stood at the center of the stage.

He looked down at the Li family and shouted.

"Those from the Li family. My name is Yu san, I am only at the 7 the level of the mortal realm. Those who want to challenge can come up now"

Hearing that someone challenged Li's family as soon as he came up the platform was like a slap on their faces and several of the Li family elders narrowed their eyes with hatred at the fatty above the platform.

Li Zhang looked at the fatty and curled his lips in disdain. Even such a low level of mortal realm cultivator dares to challenge them. Is it he looking for death? he turned around and gestured a burly boy to go up. His name was Li da and was one of his lackeys.

"Go up and teach that fatty a lesson, Nobody should dare to challenge our Li family due to fear from the next round onwards"

Looking at the Burly boy flying up to the platform Lu yan frowned, Are all the Li family disciples numb heads. Why would you send a cultivator who has not grasped intent and only excels in body refining in front of someone who can use intent?

Although the fatty was not good in skills. She could feel sword energy from him. Sword energy was the preliminary form of sword intent. After a person fills his body with sword intent then only he can start condensing sword intent. The fatty on the platform has started filling sword energy.

She shook her head and like she predicted the burly boy was beaten black and blue by the fatty who was shouting and challenging the Li family. Li zheng clenched his wrists, He never intended this to happen. He thought the fatty was weak but the instant Li da went above the platform Yu san attacked and pierced through his dantian with his knife. He didn't even have the time to stop the attack.

As soon the burly boy was thrown out of the platform. Several discussions started among the crowd.

"Li family is really poor, He didn't last half an incense of time, pathetic"

"The fatty is powerful. If the Li family can't even beat him this would be a big shame"

Hearing all these remarks from the crowd the faces of the Li family elders become black.

Li Zheng could not take it anymore and fly over to the platform.

fatty looked at Li zheng and he knew that he could not win over the boy but still looked at him with disdain.

"Li family is great, Now they are bullying people with their cultivation"

Li zheng smirked and took out his saber. Even if I want to bully you what can you do? His sword danced in his hand it pierced swiftly towards the fatty.

Seeing the speed of the saber, fatty knew that he could not stop it, He gritted his teeth and dived below the platform. Once you go out of the platform the result was a defeat.

Li Zheng laughed out loud seeing the fatty running away from his sword.

"This is what you should have done from the beginning, Why would you uselessly struggle in front of me" Li zheng smirked and retreated his saber looking down on the other two families.

His happiness was short-lived because a sound rang through the platform. A boy in a white robe stood up and walked out of the Yun family.

As soon as the Crowd saw the boy there was a row of applause from them. This was the Yun family genius. Yun Han. Several girls screamed looking at the handsome face. Geniuses were always loved by women. Yun Han was the youngest genius among the three families to break through to the General realm. His saber was hung around his waist as he slowly walked to the platform.

" A weakling calls others a weakling, You are not even fit to call others a weakling, I will give you a chance to surrender. Otherwise, all you can do is kneel and get out of the platform" Yun Han said arrogantly and came closer to Li Zhang.

Hearing the other party looking down on him his eyes flashed with fury. This was his stage to shine and someone else was acting cool in front of him. Today he will crush his and show the family that he will be the greatest genius.

Li zheng clutched the saber in his hand and flew forward.

Lu yan looked down to the platform and shook his head.

"Idiot, he is looking for his death if he is going for a face to face match"

she gradually looked towards the crowd and her eyes widened,

There he was sitting in the crowd with a smile in his eyes. So he has been here watching the whole play. She chuckled and took a sip of tea.

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