
**There were two most liked options and I waited for quite some time for the votes to become unequal but they didn't. So I got some private DMs to chose the safer option and that's- Escape through the window***


I stood up in panic and threw his shirt on the floor.

The door knob rattled, "Why is this locked?" The voice clearly didn't belong to any of the house servants I knew.

Oh shit oh shit!!!

I looked around.

How do I get out of this situation???

My heart was beating like crazy.


why did I do this??!! These stupid hormones will be the end of me!!!

My gaze landed on the bathroom window.


It's small but I can fit through.

Without wasting any time I got on top of the toilet tank and tried to reach for the window


I froze at the voice and looked back at the door.

It was still closed.


I just took a sigh of relief when he spoke again, "I can smell you." I heard his growl and butterflies churned in my stomach while my heart skipped a beat, "Come out." He said softly but I knew I had to get away.

This was a bad situation and I'd rather die then get caught with this!!

I continued my climb to the window and he noticed I was doing something because of the sound so he began to rattle the door knob violently while I opened the window and began to make my way out.

There was a tree right in front of me so I knew I could jump on that but I was only half way through after squeezing myself when the bathroom door knob broke and fell on the floor

Oh no ...

The door opened and Calix made his way in. The intense seductive pheromones in the bathroom that I had released made his eyes go wide and his eyes grow yellow.

I hurried and made my way further out while he growled trying to control himself, "Stop!" He came over to the window but I barely made it out just when he was about to grab my foot.

I jumped out towards the tree and landed on a thick branch.

Oh this is bad!!

This is very bad!!

Why did he come back.??

I have to get out of here as fast as possible!!

This place is big. He won't find me that easily!