Where Am I?!

It was a day like any other, and Kejedon prepared to start his normal routine again. As the sound of his alarm pierced his ears, he let out a sigh and turned it off. Kejedon lay there for a few seconds, looking at his blank ceiling, letting out one final groan. He was careful to step off his bed on the right side - it was a superstition he had picked up from his mother. He was now sat upright, stretching his arms and legs. Kejedon took his phone and went through the usual routine check of his apps. He had quite a few messages.

'I'll check them later; I'm hungry,' Kejedon thought to himself as he scratched his belly and started to make his way to the bathroom.

He splashed his face with water, flinching due to the cold temperature of the water. Kejedon ran down his stairs, making sure not to stub his toe on the door as he did earlier that week. He prematurely took his toast out of the toaster, and rolled his eyes,

"This always happens!" Even so, Kejedon didn't place the bread back into the toaster and spread his jam onto it anyway. He hurriedly ate the slice and rushed out of the door: he had to catch the bus after this.

* * *

Kejedon fumbled with his keys as he entered his house, letting out a big sigh as he entered. He set his bag down gently onto the floor, kicked off his shoes, and collapsed into his living room sofa. Kejedon let out a big groan. Work normally isn't great, but today he had to deal with a new intern. He's always been terrible at teaching, so having to be in charge of the intern was the thing he least wanted.

"I knew it, the toast was way too under-toasted, of course, today was going to be terrible, " he muttered to himself, "Now I'll have to deal with the intern for the entirety of the summer. I need tea to calm myself down now."

Kejedon began to brew his tea, setting the kettle to boil as he took a camomile tea-bag and placed it into his favourite mug. The mug was white, with "Hello Handsome" inscribed clearly on it. Overall, it was a pretty plain mug, but Kejedon had gotten this gift from his mother before he moved out, so it was special to him. He took out his phone camera, inspecting his face. He brushed back his dark, silky hair to look at his smooth, clear skin. His facial features were very clear, with his chiselled jawline and high cheekbones.

He winked into the camera, "Whew, hello handsome!!" he chuckled. The kettle's distinct 'click' after its squealing signalled for Kejedon to stop admiring himself. He poured the boiling water into his mug, picked up a teaspoon, and began to mix the teabag and the tea. He saw the water slowly gaining colour, and after about one minute of swirling, he threw the teabag into the bin and started to walk upstairs towards his desk.

He set down his mug of tea and turned on his computer. As he was waiting for it to turn on, he looked around his bedroom, checking if it needed cleaning. There were various articles of clothing scattered around on the floor, but aside from that, the room seemed clean. His bed was made; he had developed a habit of making it first thing in the morning from the scoldings that his mother had given him. The few clothes that were in his wardrobe, as opposed to being scattered all over his floor, were neatly folded. Kejedon shifted his gaze from the interior of his room to the window. It was summer, so it was still bright out. He looked at the neighbour's Sessile Oaktree. Kejedon has always hated that tree, so much so that he often had a big temptation to chop it down. He peeked at the street down below, checking if any more cats were fighting: they weren't.

Kejedon smirked, then turned back to his computer as he took a sip of his camomile tea. He felt better instantly, though his smile faded as he began to open up his work. Kejedon worked as a software engineer for Company X, and it was the most tiring job he'd ever had. His co-workers seemed to love making programs that had far too many lines, and they rarely left any comments, so he was left to figure out what they were aiming for by himself. He gulped down all the contents of his "Hello Handsome" mug as he mentally prepared himself for the hideous lines of code he was about to see.

* * *

"WHEWW," Kejedon let out the biggest sigh of relief as he finished his work. "I guess it's time for me to spend my free time!" He almost instantly opened the toonweb app on his phone and checked the day's uploads. In the latest chapter of his favourite toonweb, tabasco had just beaten up some bad guys by using his infamous bear technique. Kejedon loved to read toonwebs to unwind his stress after pain-filled days, it was like one of his only escapes from reality.

"Oh, if only I was rich like GooGun... but ruling over several gangs would be rather tiring, I guess it wouldn't be for me!" Kejedon read various more toonwebs until he finally began to get tired.

'Well, time for me to get going to bed,' he thought to himself, turning off his computer and standing up.

Various thoughts went through Kejedon's mind as he brushed his teeth, most of them being related to his good looks in one way or another. Even as he had a 'toothpaste moustache', he thought about how handsome he'd look with a real moustache, as much as his mother would disagree. Kejedon finally changed into his pyjamas, and calmly settled down into his bed. He pulled out his phone, and as usual, played the rhyme "5 Little Monkeys."

Kejedon would be unable to sleep without hearing this rhyme through to the end ever since he was a little child, and even at the age of 24, he continued to do this. As the rhyme played, Kejedon envisioned the story clearly, though he never questioned anything within it: it was just a silly rhyme after all! He did this as he usually would on any other day, but today it felt a little different - a little unsettling. He shrugged it off and drifted off to sleep as the rhyme finished once again.

* * *

"Darling!!" Kejedon heard a muffled voice, as if it was calling out to him. This voice... it resembled his mother?

"Wake up, come on!" The voice continued. Kejedon couldn't deny it, the voice definitely sounded like his mum, but how could that be possible? She had passed away last year!

"KEJEDON!!" He stirred and began to open his eyes. He looked around, searching for his mother. She was nowhere to be seen. "Darling come over here please, you need to have your breakfast."

"Okay..." Kejedon said, quite frantically, "Give me a minute!" He had finally woken up enough to observe his surroundings, but he noticed something was off.




"W-where am I?!" Kejedon exclaimed.