Fixing Gold and Red

Qianye Ying'er's eyes trembled from fury and disbelief! She tried to call forth her cultivation to remove the belt from her mouth, but her Profound energy was saying no!

What in Heaven's name was this!?

She then noticed the redhead who had glee in her eyes. 

The blonde narrowed her eyes. She was about to show the middle finger to her. But she controlled herself.

Instead, she needed to process the fact that her beauty didn't work at all!

'What are you!? How can you ignore me like this!?' 

Though she didn't need to think more, he had the Nine Profound Exquisite Body. 

This special physique appears in women; for a man to have it, he needs to claim the vital yin of this woman.

'So, he is married.'

The Brahma Goddess thought with some annoyance and growing jealousy. 

Regardless, the pair proceeded to look at how he started to make pills. It was an exquisite art; flames of different colours would melt the ingredients and turn them into liquid essence before moulding them into a pill. 

He would even use water at the same time! 

'Water-based Alchemy, he knows of it. I thought only people with ice legacies use those.' Qianye Ying'er thought to herself as she watched curiously him make a pill.

Once he was done, he started to make more barrier walls around the pair; more texts started to appear. 

'I see, so the treatment will include barrier arts as well. How ingenious.' 

The blonde looked around. While she finds this fascinating, she has to admit she has no idea where to even start to understand what he was doing.

Eventually, he was done. 

He then proceeded to walk over and remove the belts around their mouths.

"Quite cruel of you. Is this how you treat your guests?" The blonde asked nicely. She, after all, wants him to have an image of her being a nice and extremely beautiful woman. 

"I could ask the same thing. Do you cause a commotion when you visit someone?"

A small smile appeared on her face.

"Sadly, it comes naturally to me." She said while brushing her golden hair. 

The beauty tried to seduce him with her looks, but there was no reaction from him. 

Seeing such an indifferent face felt like one of the brat's stabs. It was painful and annoying.

"I see. Swallow the pill. It will cut off anything which is infesting in your soul. This includes the poison you have. Once separated, the barrier walls will start to pull out the poison from you, so it might be gross."

As he handed her the pill, this made the blonde slightly spooked. 

"...How gross are we speaking?"

"Vomiting gross?"

A multitude of emotions passed through her eyes. 

"...Very well."

She took the pill, and the barrier walls reappeared. 

The Young Master then walked over to the redhead, who was looking at him with a weird expression on her face. She was weirded out how there was no reaction from him towards the Brahma Monarch Goddess! 

"That woman. Be careful of her, she caused the death of my older brother." 

"You think I will be seduced by her?"

"Countless men have just from her voice or just the shadow." The redhead said with a serious tone.

"Is that so? Then they live sad lives. I have a harem as it is, and this woman doesn't look like wife material. More like 'one pump and dump' kinda feel to it."

The crimson girl's eyes widened before she started to laugh, which changed into uncontrollable laughter.

"HAHAHAHA! Did you hear that!? Mortal bitch!? Some people DO see through your nature!"

The blonde had a murderous look on her face as she heard all of it. Oh, how she wanted to kill both of them at this moment!

But she controlled herself AND decided not to. No, this is far too simple; this won't solve anything! No, she will have him at her feet. She will make Xing Tong's life a living hell. After all, this brat made her go through it!

"Yeah-yeah, now eat the pill. I want that poison." He said with an eye roll.

The crimson-haired girl nodded and took the pill; she inspected it. She could see moving runes in them. This was the first time she saw runes being used in alchemy and pill-making.

While this looked interesting, she needed to get rid of that poison.

So she swallowed the pill.

That moment she felt it!

It was gross! Disgusting, stomach-turning! The pill's effect made the poison in her body detach from her senses! So she felt how this foreign object was in her body, in her bloodstream! 

Then the arrays turned on and proceeded to suck out the poison.

"Gross-gross-gross!" The crimson-haired girl started to say the same word over and over again as the poison started to leave her wounds. 

'Wait, he healed my wounds!' The blonde thought, from where will the poison leave her body!?

As this was going on, Qianye Ying'er watched how the poison -that could only be healed by Sky Poison Pearl- was now being removed from Star God.

'Incredible, he fixed her up! Well, more like he removed it from her body. But still!' Her golden eyes looked at this with curiosity.

"Hah-hah-hah… this-this princess doesn't want to go through this ever again!!!" The girl said that as she slowly got up on her feet. Her feet wobbled as she tried to control herself.

"...Hahaha! I want to see how you will remove that poison! This princess wants to see you gag!" 

Qianye Ying'er frowned as she summoned her sword and cut herself several times before swallowing the pill.


Xing Tong clicked her tongue as she looked away. Her eyes went to the Young Master as he was looking at the poison stored in a cube of profound barriers.

'This man… he has no idea how dangerous this poison is!' 

The crimson-haired girl proceeded to lunge and destroy the poison. There is no way she will allow this thing to exist. 

But the moment she was about to lunge, something inside her profound veins reacted, and her profound energy just went out of control and ended up stopping flowing!

"Hmm? Is this how you repay me?" 

Her eyes widened as she realised that she couldn't summon her profound energy!

"W-What did you do to this princess!?"

"Body, Bloodline and Soul blocks." 


"The moment you raise your hand against me, your bloodline, your soul, and your body tells you 'no'. The more you try to disobey your cultivation, soul, and bloodline, the more painful it becomes."


"Do you know who I am!?"

"A stabby crimson-haired girl who likes to call herself Princess." 

This made her blush from embarrassment. Is this how they see her?

"I am Xing Tong! Crown Princess of Star God Realm! One of the Four Royal Ranked Star Realms in the Eastern Region of the Realm of Gods!"


"Good. What of it?" The Young Master said while stopping his clapping.

Her mouth opened and then closed. What should she say to this kind off reaction!?

"If my family hears that I am here, they will kill all of you!" The Star God was not joking. Knowing her Royal Father, he will most likely send that poison bitch who will kill everyone.

'But then again…with my severely diminished cultivation, will they even notice me!?

This is the perfect opportunity to get this man's assistance!'

"Good for them. They first need to find us, and from lack of any sort of search party, I guess you two appeared here on your own."

"Fine. This Princess has a proposal. Assist me in cultivation and accept me as your master, and I will teach you godly techniques!"

"Hmm? Do you know some Blacksmith God, Array God or Pill God legacies?"


"Then no. I have no interest in the basics."


"Just look at you. You got poisoned and nearly died. What's the point of your 'godly' arts if you struggle with a slightly more complex poison?" He said with some distaste as he stashed the cube away and looked at Qianye Ying'er, who had just had her poison removed. She was sweaty and extremely tired. 

It was worse for her as the poison was infested directly into her vital organs. 

"...You are insane! The poison which you hold with glee could even kill Gods! Not everyone can resist!"

"Then your Gods are primitive! This Young Master has no interest in something I can develop myself!"

"Do you!?"

With an eye roll, he summoned all his elements which made her and the blonde look at him as if he was a freak of nature!

"Yin & Yang Equilibrium Arts!"

As he said that, a massive yin and yang symbol appeared underneath their feet.

"I hereby declare the providence of sky forbidden!"

A crushing force descended on them.

"Now try to float." He asked with a smile, a bright smile which made Xing Tong try to smack him!

That moment she sensed that her Profound energy returned to a level of [Sky Profound]! This was an embarrassment! Such abysmal cultivation!

Regardless, she tried to fly, but her body wouldn't leave the ground!

'She can't float!?' 

"The Equilibrium arts use higher energies of Yin and Yang to establish dominance. Yin confines your soul and spirit while yang enforcers your body.

"I am disappointed. You say you are 'god', but you don't have the mental fortitude to protect your mind from suggestions of my domain.

"My art commands your profound energy not to float, and your Profound energy listens to it. It can't differentiate between who is who.

"It's either your people are so arrogant, or it never crossed your mind that mind control and mental suggestions could be real."

After saying that, he made the Yin and Yang symbol disappear. 

And Xing Tong could float now.

'Such intriguing and obscure arts! Such a wild card would make waves in the Realm of Gods!' Qianye Ying'er, who finally recovered, looked at him as if he was a slab of meat.

"Well? What does the Princess have to say?"

"It won't work against someone more powerful than you are! In Realm—"

Once again, her cultivation which was at late Monarch, returned, and she could not float! 



"Cultivation is irrelevant when I am telling your Profound energy what to do. You need to cultivate mental arts first to even consider negating this." He said with an eye roll.

"All in all. You need my help more than I need yours. For that, you two will join my sect."


"Suit yourself. I would have helped you clean up your bloodline and improve your soul. Purify your body. Allow you to reach heights even higher than you had before. I am offering better foundations."

"Let the child brood. I am more than willing to become your disciple~" Qianye Ying'er said with a beautiful smile.

'A genius pill maker, array creator, owner of reborn Phoenix? Once I am done with him, my Brahma Monarch Realm will rule the whole of Primal Chaos!'


"Sneaky Mortal Bitch! This Princess will join this sect just to keep my eye on you!"


"Just for you annoying me, I will make you work in the gardens." The Young Master said with a frown on his face. His Sect is not a joke, and he won't allow these two women to disrespect it!

"Hah? B-B-But!"

"But what? You want to cultivate, do you? You want to regain your strength, do you? Do you think I will give you resources for free? Especially my pills." He said with crossed arms as he looked at her.

"T-Then I will share some of my techniques! It should be enough to exchange for these pills!"

He slowly nodded.

"I guess, but what about the bloodline purifying arrays? The Soul cleansing pills? Your techniques could potentially give you quite a bit of points…."

This was where the crimson-haired girl nodded her head multiple times.

"Yes! I gladly accept this deal!"

"And you?"

"I would like to join your service directly. Even as a maid~." 

The golden beauty said with a beautiful smile. That's right! Her plan is simple! To make him addicted to her! Then he would make her his wife! Even her Royal Father will accept someone who has such a wide array of supporting and obscure arts! 

The path is to start from the bottom and win him over! Sure, her pride is damaged to be reduced to such a state. But she is thinking long term.

Once she is back in the Realm of Gods, she can make him work his ass off just to satisfy her damaged pride! 

"You bitch! How low can you get!?" 

"Shut up, you brat! What do you understand!? With your brain only knowing how to stab, how can you even comprehend how incredible the Young Master is in front of us!?"


"Very well! I will be part of the maids as well."

The Young Master simply chuckled upon hearing that.

"You sound like you think that you will get special treatment. If you fail, you will be reduced to the cleaners—Monarch or not. I have more than enough bodyguards and security. 

Especially how noisy the pair of you are."

This made them shut up and straighten out. Qianye Ying'er narrowed her eyes and looked at Xing Tong. This brat is pissing her off and is getting in the way!

"My apologies, it was not my intention. This little girl here is constantly trying to interrupt me."

"I don't want him to be another victim of yours!" 

"Please. As if I did anything to your brother, he offered himself to come with me. He offered himself to be the one who attacked the barrier set by a Creation God.

"He wanted to please me, disregarding the dangers. How is it my fault he died from the rebound?"


"Sounds like a moron to me. Anyway, let's go, you two. I am a busy Young Master, unlike you two 'Crown Princesses'. I do care to make my people strong."


Qianye Ying'er smirked when she saw the furiously shaking Xing Tong. The girl nearly looked feral again. It's beautiful to see how the Young Master has taken her side in this debate. 

And she is not making up any of what she said. Xing Su did act chivalrous and helped her, but that's what killed him. She didn't force him to do anything. She simply asked for his help.

As the trio exited the warehouse, the duo followed him. Eventually, they arrived at a manor. They saw an array of cultivation mats next to a pavilion wall. Some of them are occupied by females. They were cultivating. 

'Their auras, they possess a potent Phoenix bloodline!' 

This was quite a curious development.

"The Phoenix, you have the Divine Beast reborn. How potent is this bloodline?" Qianye Ying'er asked him smoothly as she wondered how much blood they have.

"Potent? It's the purest of the blood. The trials I built generate blood drops. Next available sessions are a few months away." 


"I rebuilt the trial since I passed, then I rebuilt it according to the Phoenix spirit's standards."

"...Why not keep the blood to yourself?" 

"Because the Phoenix belongs to me. Just as much as you two." He showed them the Phoenix tattoo.

Qianye Ying'er was baffled to see him have Phoenix as a contracted beast, but she was more concerned about what he does mean by 'belonging' to him.

"...What do you mean by that?" 

"The pills which you swallowed placed profound runes through your bodies."

The golden and crimson eyes widened as they swiftly started to scan themselves, but they could not feel or find anything.

"You two do realise that there is a reason no guards are protecting me when you two are loose in my Sect."

"...You are quite devious~."

The blonde was impressed and at the same time, concerned by what she just learned.

"Those floating letters on the pill?"

"They do what they are supposed to do. Remove the poison connected to your soul and as it removes connection, it adds its runes along the path."

"...You! How many runes have you carved on my soul!?" Xing Tong asked with some panic. She might want to stab him, but now not so much!

Who knows what he can do to her!

"With how much poison there was in your body, you realise that removing the poison from your soul is not easy? So I needed to make a layer of buffer zones."

"H-Heavens… is…my entire soul full of runes!?"

The crimson-haired girl was terrified now. The blonde was in a similar situation!

She should watch her steps now!

"Yes. As far as I know, It's kinda beautiful to watch now." 

As he said that, he turned around and looked at her. The pair noticed that his eyes were glowing. He can see souls!?

"However… your soul needs a lot of cleansing; whatever legacy you have is garbage at recycling."

This made her bite her lower lip. This guy! She has Slaughter God's power! And he calls it garbage!?

"Same with you, blonde."

"You may call me Qianye Ying'er, Young Master. I am to be in your service." The blonde smoothly said to him she was wondering how this soul cleansing would work and if she could remove those runes from her soul.

"If you say so."

As they entered the manor, they could smell pills, food and some other pleasant smells. 

"Lingxi, two new maids. Show them around."

"Understood, Young Master." Xiao Lingxi walked over and looked at the pair.

She was quite baffled. They looked bloody and had unique hair colours.

"Follow me."

The pair followed this girl while looking where the Young Master walked to.

"I am Xiao Lingxi, Young Master's Xiao Long Head Maid, as well as one of the Pill Mistresses of the Sect."


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