Testing Bloodline Powers

"This-This makes no sense!"

"Arrays hold mysterious powers; some even say - unnatural."

"Who are you quoting!?" The Crimson haired girl snapped at me as she was having a panic attack.

I guess using Brahma and Slaughter God's Energy at the same time is quite a chilling view for her.

"Hahaha. Nothing special. Anyway, Girls, any ideas if [Sky Profound] or even [Emperor Profound] beasts are around here?"

"Umm, that would be difficult to tell, Young Master." Mu Lingxue spoke up as she collected a Profound Core.

"Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace is trying to keep this place clear from any sort of extremely dangerous Beasts. However, some of them do wander over from the border." Chu Yueli said.

"Hmm, Border? That should be with the Navy Tide Nation?" 


"Well, since you don't have a specific location, then we should invite them instead of looking for them." As I said that, I pulled out a small piece of Purple Veined Divine Crystal.

Then I started to cast barrier walls and inscribe runes on them.

The moment I placed the crystal, a pillar of light erupted from the newly constructed beacon and started transmitting Pure Profound energy in all directions. 

"...I see… impressive way to gather all Profound Beasts, Young Master!"

"Indeed! As expected of our Young Master! He finds quick ways to get what he wants!"

I snorted with amusement as I heard the praises from my cheerleading squad. Regardless, I proceeded to build a weapon from Solid Profound Energy.

'It appears Brahma's power makes them more solid in general. My system didn't even register them as skills.'  I thought as I inspected the long sword created by solid Profound Energy.

'It appears it is good to have godly legacies like this. It's like having permanent buffs. Always on and ready to turn the game unfair.'

"Young Master, I can sense a multitude of [Spirit Profound] and few [Earth Profound] approaching."

I nodded at my bodyguards. Their senses do reach further than my own.

I waited for a few more moments until they got closer before I proceeded to lunge forward. This is the perfect moment to master the sword arts I have been postponing.


"What are you waiting for? You don't want to get contribution points?" Mu Lingxue asked the redhead.


"You do know we are going to be awarded for bringing all the corpses to the Contribution Hall."

Xing Tong's eyes for a second widened as she realised that this was the truth! 

The crimson-haired girl instantly lunged forward and proceeded to dismantle the beasts and collect the cores. Since she has her storage space, she can stuff the whole place with them.

'Hehehe, Soon this princess will be bathing in pills!'

The fairy looked at the girl, who was like a madwoman chopping up the corpses of the beasts and getting their cores.

"Umm, does she not know that the blood is valuable as well?" The fellow battle maid said with a confused look.

"She most likely has a rich background. Doesn't know how proper Sects operate." Chu Yueli said with a casual shrug.

"Well, then she will be disappointed with how few points she will get."

The pair of battle maids shrugged at each other; well, one will learn from their mistakes. 

Xing Tong continued to follow Xiao Long, who was practising his swordsmanship while weaving through the Profound Beasts.

Soon enough, they realised that the bait was working very well. 

More and more Profound Beasts are coming.

Though a huge amount of blood enticed them even more, blood meant food and food meant possibly more power.

However, these beasts didn't come over beyond specific strength.

Smarter ones most likely realised that this could be a trap.

"What now?" The Crimson haired girl realised that this wasn't that great anymore. She collected loads of [Spirit Profound] and [Earth Profound]; she didn't even bother with [True Profound] cores; those were scraps. 

"We are going to Improvise, Tong'er."

"Gah! Don't call me so affectionately!"

"Why not? You look cute, like a cat or a house pet."


"Can a house pet leave you full of holes!?" She showed her bloody daggers.

"Can you?" He asked her with a smirk.

His words made her narrow her eyes.

"You have a talent for pissing people off."

"I try my best." 


For a moment, he stroked her hair which made her cheeks erupt into atomic blush.

"See? Just like a cute pet."

The girl tried to remove herself, but her body didn't listen. 

"Don't worry; we are going to get some [Sky Profound] cores at least."

"T-This Princess doesn't care! Remove your hand from my head!"


"I thought this was going to be fun. I always pamper those who behave properly." 

Hearing this, she stiffened.

"...O-O-On second thought, do whatever you want!" 

'T-This Princess will sacrifice her pride! But at least my strength will return!'

"Oh? Change of heart? So cute." He stroked her hair before calling his Monarch Bodyguards.

"Prepare a net. Find those sneaky Profound Beasts. I am sure they can't resist a delicious dose of Purests of Profound Energy."

"Yes, Young Master!"

The pair proceeded to herd anyone from the surrounding areas.

"We have some free time. Do you want to talk?"

His question got her off-guard. Though for a second, she got herself together and decided to bombard him with questions! That's right! She wants to get back at him!


"Then how did you get my powers AND blonde bitches!"

"It comes down to profound energy; I created an area where I can forge bloodlines. I take a drop of blood, use an array to locate the power and remove it from the blood and then place it on myself."

"...Are you saying that it's that easy to get a bloodline!?" She squeaked out. The way he described sounds easy! 

"You need to be master in Arrays, Formations and Runes. Most importantly, you need a lot of Profound Energy." 

This made her relieved quite a bit. As the way he described her Legacy, it sounded cheap! Like it's something, he can buy in a market!

"I-I see. So you used our blood at the time when we arrived and were wounded." Xing Tong realised at what time he got her blood. 


"And the poison?"

He got confused for a bit.

"You sound as if it's difficult to remove it."

The girl sighed and decided that it was pointless to mention how dangerous that thing was. 

"It's pointless for this Princess to mention, but that thing is dangerous, and it can kill even True Gods!"

"True, but the issue with how you see it is that you have a predetermined mentality. If I wasn't thinking outside the norms, you would be dead, as my Grandmother's Palace wouldn't know how to cast those barriers. 

The only reason why you are still here alive and well is because I am looking for ways to make cultivation easier for me and my clan."


"if you don't get out of your comfort zone, then you will never be the so-called proper Slaughter God. This legacy you hold will become weaker and weaker until it doesn't work at all."


"Yes-Yes, this Princess gets it. Does this mean you can help me fix my bloodline potency?" She asked curiously.

"I could, but only help my maids who behave."

"If you want to stroke my hair, then you can do it! I don't mind!"

She quickly changed the tone of her voice, so quick!

"Yes. As long as you behave, I don't mind helping you. You should already know I don't like hot air from someone who didn't work for her powers."

Xing Tong stiffly nodded; it would be a challenge for her to lower her 'pride' levels, especially in front of THAT woman. 

'Hehehe, at least I will have the upper hand! And once I am all fixed up, I will have the potential to remove THAT man!'

"There-There be a good girl, and this Young Master will make you Strongest Star God."

Once again, his hand patted her head; he was treating her like a pet. It made her annoyed but same time, slightly flustered.

"You better be! This Princess has never been treated like this!"

"Like how? Like one of the cutest of things alive?" He asked her curiously.

"Gah! Stop mixing things up with such a straight face!"

"I do want. Did anyone treat you with affection? Since you are so jumpy."

Once again, she stiffed even harder; he had just got her in her sour spot.

"I don't need to answer that do I?"

"Nope. But I know you will eventually do it yourself." He said that with a confident smirk, which made her eyebrow twitch.

"Will shall see." This was where she was confident in herself as well! As if! Xing Tong is sure she won't ever do it herself!

After a while, Xiao Long, with his battle maids, noticed several [Sky Profound] beasts running away right towards them! After all, they don't want to face Monarchs!

"It appears there are some beasts of that level. Very well. I guess I will practise my Clan's swordsmanship for a bit."

And so Xing Tong got treated to a show that she will never forget.

Not because the arts are amazing or godly, but because every single strike and stroke was accompanied by her Slaughter! Wind, Fire, or a mix of both. 

She had never seen it before when someone used her powers like this! Especially seeing how wind could be this deadly!

'Hmm, maybe I should learn how to use Wind Profound Energy.'

Deadly and very sharp currents of wind washed an Ice Profound Beast.

The beast got cut into hundreds of pieces before its blood erupted like a fountain turning into minced meat.

'Yes, I can do this as well!'

Then another one was cleanly cut in half with a vertical strike of a blade.

'Easy enough to do!'

Third beasts, he just touched it, and he was turned into cubes of meat.

'More difficult but still possible! I think. But not with my current cultivation!'

The crimson-haired girl nodded to herself as she crossed her arms. He is just better at this very moment because of his bloodline hacks! Nothing more!

"Hmm? Wait! Hold it! You can't just take those cores like this!" 

Xing Tong snapped out as she saw the pair of maids already collecting the juicy [Sky Profound] cores!

~~~~~~Xiao Long~~~~~~


{[Burning Wrilwind Sword] Art Mastered}


{[Burning Wrilwind Sword] art has evolved into [Heaven Slaughtering Divine Sword] art}

'Hah!? Are you for real!? We go into 'Divine' the moment I get some fancier ways to move Profound Energy!?

Though I do move four aspects at once.'

I realised that I channel fire, wind, Slaughter AND Brahma at once.

This made the cutting power so intense that I could—

"Hmm, oh yeah… Thunderfire, here I come!"

At that moment, I realised that I should add Lightning to all of this! 


Lightning started to flow through the sword constructs.

'Time to master this as well!'

It's a great element, AND I will have a Thunderfire! Fuck you, Divine Spear Thunderfire Fortress!

They couldn't do it! I will!

What followed after were arcs of lightning followed by flaming currents cutting and dissecting anyone in the way.

"Young Master! You should calm down! Otherwise, there won't be anything left to collect!" Lingxue's voice made me stop for a bit.

I looked around and saw a bunch of charred corpses. 

Black smoke is coming from them.

"Hmm, you are right. I am throwing around too much power."

I frowned for a bit.

"Let's wrap this up; then, I will cook up some meat after."


Everyone stiffed up as several loud gulps spread through the area.

Xing Tong looked confused for a moment.

"Did I miss something?"

"Young Master will be cooking for us! Do you understand what this means!?" Chu Yueli said with a nearly fanatical look. Jeez, she likes my stuff to this degree?


"He uses his mastery over Profound energy to turn the meat as tender as one could! It just melts in your mouth! It sends shivers through one's body! It's what we call godly food!" The Younger Chu explained to confused and dumbstruck Xing Tong.

The girl had no idea what to say; I could tell that much from her expression.


"You will understand soon enough!"

The Crimson haired nodded at the fellow battle maid. She looked at the other maid, who was sagely nodding to herself.

"As amusing as this sounds, we should set up a temporary camp. We could use the smell to invite more Profound Beasts."

"As Young Master wishes!" The pair of battle maids said with eager tones. They are making Xing Tong freak out even more.


The Slaughter God has never seen females act like that. It was like how men are around the Blonde Bitch.

Only in reverse, this was not simple affection. This was worship.

These females worship the land he is walking on!

'This food? What is the Stars, is it!?' 

She frowned for a bit and watched him pull out things from his storage ring of his. Soon enough, he created flames which, oddly enough, looked like Phoenix flames. 

Soon enough, he started to prepare the raw meat he just got from some of the Profound Beasts.

'Okay, so he is using some sort of grass and sprinkling something on it. Hmm, he is using that unique Profound Energy on it.

So it's some sort of different style alchemy?'

Xing Tong observed everything closely. She still doesn't see what could brainwash those females like that!

Eventually, some minutes later, he started to put the meat on the fire.

She narrowed her eyes as the smoke started to spread.

The moment she smelled it, the moment her stomach rubble. 

'W-W-What is this!?'

The girl grabbed her stomach and tried to stop it somehow! 

"T-This! What a smell! As expected from [Sky Profound] meat!" Chu Yueli exclaimed as she cleaned up some of her drool. She still has her image to maintain, after all.

"Un! The last time we ate [Sky Profound] was in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace!"


Chu Yueli looked like someone had stolen something precious from her!

"...Right. You never had a chance to eat it." Mu Lingxue pointed out, which was like a jab in a way. 

"...yes. I was behind closed-door cultivation."

Xing Tong listened to the conversation; she realised that the higher the cultivation, the better the meat!

'H-Heavens! What if we get [Divine Master] Meat!?' Her brain tried to process this, but she could not even imagine. As someone who barely ate anything in her life, she couldn't imagine food like that.

Eventually, a plate was put in front of her. She could see some grasses and meat in front of her.

"W-What are these?"

"Salads, just try them out."

The Star God stiffly nodded before proceeding to taste.

The moment she swallowed the meat with some salads, her brain, for a second, short-circuit, and her eyes got spacey. 

"Is she okay?" Mu Lingxue, for a second, asked with some worry. She kinda likes this new girl, something similar to a small sister.

"Don't worry; she barely ate anything in her life because of her absurd cultivation." Xiao Long said to her as he finished handing over the food.

For this, even the bodyguards returned from herding and proceeded to stuff themselves with the barbeque. 

"Similar to us, is it not? We use nutrition pills before reaching [Earth Profound]; at that point, we barely need any food."

Mu Lingxue said as she looked at Xing Tong, who slowly regained some clarity.

"T-This is! Who are you!? What kind of godly being you have been in your previous life!? How can food taste like this!? What is this—*Bitting*."



"-This makes no sense, this is just food, but I can stop myself from eating! Is it a pill? Some sort of long lost Divine Art from some sort of Devil Emperor!?"

The more she talked, the less she made sense to the pair of Fairies.

"Is she okay?"

Mu Lingxue whispered to the Chu Yueli, who just shrugged back and continued to eat her food. Honestly, she doesn't care at this moment.

After finishing their food, the group returned to the hunt.

"I suppose I should use food as a bait. I got a bigger group this way."

Xiao Long said as he proceeded to construct another weapon from barrier walls.

"True, and they all look hungry."

"You don't say. I could still get another few bites." Chu Yueli said with a small frown. She is feeling cheated as she didn't have a chance to eat before in Frozen Cloud AND when Young Master was cooking for her older sister! That's just not fair!


"This Princess could eat more than any of you!"

"I don't think this is a competition."

After small chitchat, The Young Master was back at his hunt. He wants to improve his Swordsmanship and Lightning Profound Energy. Once they are on different levels, he can finally create that Thunderfire!

~~~~~~Later, Back at Floating Cloud Sect~~~~~~

"B-But why!? This Princess has brough you hundreds of cores!" Xing Tong exclaimed angrily.

"That's the point. You only brough the cores. We pay extra for blood." The Quartermaster said with a shrug.

"Look at those battle maids. They have the Profound Beast's bodies, well, what is left of them, but they still have the blood.

This means they could be added to the Seven Floor Pagoda or can be used to make the Earth Profound Awakening Pill or Sky Profound Awakening Pill. This makes them much more valuable than just pure Profound Core."

The Crimson haired girl's shoulder sank when she remembered how those other two were slower!

'Damn it! Here goes my mountain of pills.'

"I understand."

"Good, here are your 17 thousand 5 hundred points."

'This princess feels robbed!'


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