Warp Cannon Re-Design

(2 out of 3 chapters of this week)

Old man Yun, tell me about your continent." I walked over to the Demon King.

"Hmm? Where did this come from? It has only been a few months, are you already planning to invade it!?" He exclaimed with some worry. 

"Not yet, not for the time being. Though I already finished the Warp Cannon. We could go anytime." I said with a leisurely tone, motioning for one of the maids to pour us some tea.

"...Warp—Cannon? What is that?"

"It's an Artefact which absorbs Profound Energy, compresses it and then turns into Profound Space Energy. Once created it shoots into the distance, creating a gate which leads us to our destination." I explained to him in simple terms. 

"I assure you, I left out quite a bit of the details, something you don't need to bother with." I lazily waved my hand.

"...You made an artefact which opens gates to distant places?" He sounded quite awed by my creation. However, he quickly got over it before looking at me quite seriously.

"Young Master, I do wish you would allow me some time to persuade the Little Demon Empress to surrender to you. She is not the easiest of people to do that. Huan Caiyi always had a serious personality, she took her duties very seriously."

"I can understand that. Me keeping you alive is the whole point of this. Your job is to persuade her to surrender. If not then I will have to do it." I seriously explained to him. The Yun Monarch stiffly nodded at me. 

"This old man is promising to try, but I can't promise to succeed." 

"That's more than enough. Now tell me about the continent, I wish to know what kind of vegetation it has. Any unique herbs and flowers? Minerals and such?" I asked with a curious voice." I do want to know what I am conquering." I said that while taking a sip of the new tea brough by my maid.

His eyebrow twitched for a second before he started to tell about certain things one can find on the continent.


After talking with the Demon King I proceeded to return to the Warp Cannon site.

A barrier wall appeared in front of me. I started to add new information to it. 

Once done, a shockwave of energy erupted from the cannon and sent a wave in all directions.

Now it was a waiting game. The pulse will continue to travel until it hits someone with similar profound energy.

When that happens the cannon will tag it and the destination will be located.

However, 10…20…30…50…over an hour passed before a dot appeared on the barrier wall. It was so far that I needed to recalibrate the distances on the barrier wall, and here I thought I was ready.

"...That's quite far away," I said with wide eyes. I proceeded to calculate the distance, and how much power it takes.

"...Those guys tried to invade something which is… over 40 thousand miles away. That's… around the whole Earth Equator." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the numbers in front of me.

The amount of energy I will need, I will need to adjust the cannon once again.

For that, I will need to return to studying the formation left behind by Mu Bingyun.

Otherwise, I will need to find a different way to store that much energy. Those letters of the True Gods are the best way to keep energy stored in such a small space.

So I decided to use these letters and carve them on the barrel but first I need to get the hang of them.

My True God language is only halfway, and it barely grows up.

"Profound Arts." I softly said to myself as the list popped in front of me.

Profound Arts:

~~~Energy Arts~~~

[Profound Energy Control] (10/10) {100%}

—[Profound Energy Manipulation] (10/10) {100%}

[Fire Profound Energy] (10/10) {100%}

—[Fire Manifestation] [5/10] {93.52%}

[Wind Profound Energy] (10/10) {100%}

[Purifying Profound Energy] (10/10) {100%}

—[Purifying Flames] (10/10) {100%}

—[Purifying Water] (10/10) {100%}

[Water Profound Energy] (10/10) {100%}

[Lightning Profound Energy] (8/10) {41.92%}

[Earth Profound Energy] (10/10) {34.36%}

[Yang Profound Energy] (10/10) {100%}

—[Yang Flames] (10/10) {100%}

[Yin Profound Energy] (4/10) {12.87%}

~~~Martial Arts~~~

[Dash] (10/10) {100%}

—[Lightfoot] (10/10) {100%}

——[Floating Cloud Arts: Lightfoot of Blue Clouds] (3/10) {21.61%}

[Arm Thrust] (10/10) {100%}

—[Wind Current Thrust] (10/10) {100%}

——[Burning Wind Hawk] (10/10) {100%}

[Claw Strike] (10/10) {100%}

—[Whirlwind Claw] (10/10) {100%}

——[Wind Hawk Style Martial Arts] (10/10) {100%}

[Xiao Clan Wind Sword] (10/10) {100%}

—[Xiao Sect Whirlwind Sword] (10/10) {100%}

——[Burning Whirlwind Sword] (10/10) {100%}

———[Heaven Slaughtering Divine Sword] (6/10) {31.13%)

[Barrier Arts] (10/10) {100%}

—[Profound Manifestation] (10/10) {100%}

[Yin & Yang Twin Explosion] (2/10) {0.62%}

[Yin & Yang Equilibrium] (5/10) {8.31%}

[Heavenly Spear] (10/10) {100%}

—[Heavenly Dragon Spear] (2/10) {11.01%}

[High-Density Water Blade] (10/10) {100%}

—[Thunderstorm Blade] (4/10) {51.65%}

~~~Elemental Manifestation~~~

[Profound Fire] (10/10) {100%}

—[Cleansing Fire] (3/10) {3.97%}

—[Alchemy Flames] (10/10) {100%}

—[Orange Flames] (10/10) {100%}

[Profound Water] (10/10) {100%}

—[Water Alchemy] (10/10) {100%}


[Basic Refinement] (10/10) {100%}

—[Refinement] (10/10) {100%}

[Focus] (10/10) {100%}

—[Hyper Focus] (10/10) {100%}

——[Transcended Focus] (7/10) {71.31%}

[Basic Array Creation] (10/10) {100%}

—[Array Creation] (10/10) {100%}

——[Advanced Array Creation] (10/10) {100%}

———[Profound Array Manifestation] (2/10) {3.11%}

[Profound Runes] (10/10) {100%}

—[Runes Manifestation] (10/10) {100%}

——[Language of True Gods] (5/10) {41.51%}

[Profound Cooking] (8/10) {47.68%}

[Profound Alchemy] (10/10) {100%} 

[Basic Artefact Creation] (10/10) {100%}

—[Artefact Creation] (10/10) {100%}

——[Advanced Artefact Creation] (3/10) {21.79%}

[Samsara Arts: Wheel of Reincarnation] (1/10) {94.35%}

~~~Cultivation Arts~~~

[River Current Style Profound Energy Absorption] (10/10) {100%}

[Dual Cultivation] (10/10) {100%}

—[Yin & Yang Dual Cultivation] (10/10) {100%}

[Frozen Cloud Arts] (10/10) {100%}

—[Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon] (7/10) {21.54%}

[Supreme Ocean Thunder Arts] (7/10) {31.12%}

[Yin & Yang Equalizing Physique] (7/10) {41.1%}

[Great Way of Buddha] (7/10) {41.71%}

~~~Elemental Resistance~~~

[Fire Resistance] (1/10) {0.31%}


"Level 5, midway, but still hard to use and sometimes I don't even know what I am saying." I softly mumbled. Before dismissing the window and proceeding to fly to the Frozen Cloud Island. 

I went over to the innermost area and checked the runes left behind by Mu Bingyun. I copied all of them and proceeded to return to my workshop.

It was time to get some work done.

The issue with this kind of stuff is always the intent behind it. For me, it would be space, folding space, and expansion of space.

For comparison the storage rings used by everyone below [Tyrant Profound].

Such small things can store up to several cubic metres and above.

This means I have the middle man which will help me to understand. 

So I swiftly brought over several spare rings and dismantled them. As they say, reverse engineer them and copy the runes and crystals used to power them.

Once that is done I can start working further and get into more detail about the configurations needed to store excess energy into extremely small things. 

The most optical option is to use Purple Veined Divine Crystals as foundations. As it's a pure profound energy taken form. 

So the foundations of the storage will be superior. 

However, I realised one simple thing… why not just turn the Warp Cannon into an actual artefact? Make the base and everything from materialised Profound energy?

Weaved from Profound Space Energy into the form of Cannon it could technically store energy as much as one needs. 

With a knowing look, I proceeded to build a larger printer instead of the cannon.


"Y-Young Master, what are you doing!?" People from Artefact Hall freaked out when they saw how their Young Master just cut down the Warp Cannon.

Did he go crazy!? They have been treating the weapon like it's a holy artefact which can take them everywhere and now the Young Master simply cut their holy relic with a casual swing of his sword!

What the hell!?

"I realised that I can make a better one." He was about to cut the rest off to make space for the better one but the artificers lunged at him and started to beg.

"Y-Young Master!!! Please! Spare it! We can study it!" One of them with teary eyes exclaimed. 


"Yes! It may be a cheap thing for you! But it's a masterpiece for us!" The other one nodded at what his fellow hall member said.

"...Fine…you have two days to remove it. I still have some adjustments to do." With casual motion, the pair of artificers were removed from him with Young Master's Profound Energy.

The pair scrambled to do just that. While they were doing this Xiao Long sighed and went over to the edge and proceeded to look at the endless ocean in front of him.

In truth, he did all the adjustments already. 

He is just allowing them to study the cannon, well whatever is left, the barrel is cleanly sliced off.

They might be able to restore it and turn it into a turret or something.

If successful he won't need to do anything, they will be able to make turrets for attack and defence themselves.


As the automatic process started to work, Xiao Long was walking back to his Palace. However, he stopped in his tracks when he heard Cang Yue throwing a fit.

'Mood swings… just great.'

One of the reasons he didn't impregnate all his women is that it would be utter chaos. He doesn't want that. Just for this reason.

They all get these crazy swings… and if a Monarch does that… oh boy…

"...I want something sweet! Bring me something sweet! NOW!"

Late Monarch aura followed after. The whole place would have been shattered by this point. But, Xiao Long was prepared, he reinforced everything.

'When did she reach [Seventh of Sovereign Profound]?'

For a second he was baffled, he didn't remember that his Princess had reached such a high realm.

In truth, his girls had been working diligently in cultivation when they heard that higher cultivation theirs could lead to higher talent in their children. 

So they have been diligently cultivating when they don't have their weird swings.

Honestly… their swings are because of the baby inside of them. Xiao Long is certain that the development is quite intense. His bloodlines are intense he doesn't want to brag about that but he put quite an amount of effort into making it happen.

"Y-Y-Yes Mistress!!!" The maids scrambled to fulfil all their wishes.

Now, more than ever he is happy to have over 20 maids who can do all these small tasks.

The moment Xiao Long became visible to Cang Yue, she walked over to his side. The tummy was quite big on her. So she was extra careful with her steps.

Regardless, she was crying and smiling at the same time. This made him sight, in relief. It was the right choice not to impregnate several of them at once. 

"It's fine, Yue'er. Just relax, I am done with my day's tasks, and we can spend the rest of the day away." 


She walked over and pulled him into a simple hug.

"...I want those fruits to be fed to me by you~," She said with an inflated pout.

"Of course, anything for my Princess Yue'er."

He guided her to the couch and proceeded to help her sit.


"Well, do you still want to be pregnant?" Xiao Long said with a tease. The maids slightly shivered.

They had never seen a princess as crazy as this before, that gentle and friendly princess who always smiled and looked like she was in a frenzy.

A feral woman that looked like she hadn't eaten for a week or even longer.

What baffles them is that as Monarch she shouldn't want food but she is constantly eating and wants random food.

The only logical conclusion is that she is using the food for the child's development.

But this is absurd, especially for the Phoenix maids who were raised in one of the biggest Sects on the Continent. They had never seen such frenzy from the women. The only reason they can see is Young Master's blood which makes them enter a frenzy for food like this.

"...Um…maybe…later?" They looked nervously after seeing Cang Yue like this. 

They already have Xia Qingyue who acts weirdly, and now Cang Yue is making a scene like this. Just imagining 20 more women acting like that would make their lives hell.

"Oh? I thought you girls were itching for that privilege." Xiao Long moved forward and grabbed the first maid's chin and made her look right into his face.

There was a grin on his face. He was waiting for this specific moment. He knew something like that could happen. Females have those emotional swings and they only become stronger with pregnancy. And these girls are expecting something easy.

"...Umm…Ummm…" All of them look like they have second thoughts.

"Is 'Umm' the only word you can come up with?" The Young Master asked with raised eyebrows.



He shook his head before removing his hand.

"...Hmm, Lingxi." 

A few moments later the head maid arrived and she looked like a mess. As she has been making sure that his wives are fine.


"Make sure you make my 'candidates' take care of them as well. The rotation should include them. That experience in person should be added."


Xiao Long will use this to make them back down and make sure they think twice before they want to get knocked up with his child as his blood is not some regular stuff, he made sure.

"Good girl. What about you?" 

He nodded at her before asking very curiously.

"...Um…I will wait for a bit." Xiao Lingxi shivered a little bit as she recalled how feral the pair of his wives looked. She is certain that the woman's Martial Spirit just appears and disappears, and First Lady Xiao is thinking of turning one of the maids into pure energy from sheer annoyance.

"Oh? But you just asked a few weeks ago?" The Young Master effortlessly pinned the head maid against the wall.

"...I never thought that…it happened like that." 

"...Hmm… So you're saying that my blood is weak so that you can easily pass through that pregnancy?" He challenged her on that.

"...N-No… I mean…"

"You mean what? I have developed specific Bloodlines, strong natural physiques, and an affinity for alchemy and fire. Do you think it will be easy?" He questioned her more as he leaned forward.

"...N-No…I apologise for thinking it will be easy." She realised that she was naive. Something like that should not be easily decided.

"Good, be thankful that I didn't think more into this." After saying that he released her and turned around to leave the pale-ish looking Xiao Lingxi and other maids.


Xiao Long smirked seeing subdued maids. Now he only needs his Fairies to see how crazy his wives can look. But then again he sure his extra stubborn ones won't care.

But he is sure the other ones will think twice and he will be able to breathe for a while.


Xiao Long's plan has worked with some success, though he never considered the pride of a female. He might have discouraged the twins who got over the whole idea quite quickly.

The pair only care if the Young Master wants, same with his Battle Maids. Those girls want him to come to them so Mu Lanyi, Mu Lingxue, and Jun Lianqie will wait as long as needed.

Same with Chu Yueli but Chu Yuechan is a different beast. She is the proudest of them all. Her pride as a cultivator is maybe destroyed but not as a woman. So she will by any means try to get pregnant. 

The same could be said about the pair of Mistresses, those two see it as a necessary badge of honour. Hyper traditionalists. Once you take their first time they expect kids as it's part of the whole thing.

This only leaves others who are somewhat pulled back. The pair of blondes took a step back. They decided to approach this subject at a later date. 

Yan Qing'er who gave birth to Qianye Ying'er never had such swings of emotions. They are never intense like these. She considered the fact that these girls were mortals. 

So maybe she should wait for her time when she is in the Divine Way. But at the same time, she is worried that he will get stronger as well so it negates the effect either way.

While Xing Rouyu doesn't care, she already is ready for it so she doesn't even bother with this. All she wants is to get back to the act she did with him in his workshop.

Regardless, time moved on, and the Warp Cannon continued to be built, It took a while as this is a construction from pure Profound Energy. As this construct is much larger than his other Artefact construction it will take a considerable amount of time.

Instead of thinking about his invasion, he was building some stuff for his upcoming kids. 

Once again he is putting his women to shame as he builds everything for them from scratch. 

'Maybe this is an even better form of teaching my women discipline? Cang Yue is taking cultivation much more seriously, she even created some pills specifically for kids and Xia Qingyue's tunnel vision is widening.'

Xiao Long thought about the changes as he continued to build a special table.

He decided to proceed with the creation of artefacts for medicine and healing, as well as diagnosis. Though now he needs to get his hands on the Sky Poison Pearl. The apex of purification is the pearl.

'Well, in due time.'


For advanced chapters(5 chapters +18 chapters of lemons ) my pat: pat reon.com/DragonsFics


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