A New Beginning

It was a wonderful warm sunny day, where the birds are singing from every tree, the breeze was softly blowing, a babbling brook was calmly flowing, and the kind woodland animals were enjoying themselves throughout the forest today. A young maiden, eighteen of age, was on one of her many morning strolls through this forest, she was 5'5", medium length of blonde hair, jade green eyes, and pale completion. Her name is Kaylein and she always loved wondering through the forest, or any kind of land with many trees growing, it makes her feel as if she was connected with nature itself, she walks without shoes so she can feel the dirt underneath her toes. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks for she heard something galloping or leaping from the southwest side of her, she looked in that direction, there, standing upon a hill, was a magnificent, majestic, and breathtakingly dashing stag. He looked at Rosalina for a moment, then looked beyond the brook, stood his doe along with two beautiful and adorable baby fawns. The doe is a, Odocoileus Virganianus, or more commonly known as the Whitetail Deer, the stag is a, Odocoileus Hemionus Columbianus, or the Blacktail Deer is its more familiar name. As for the fawns, they don't seem like they are relatives for their behavior for one another is intimate where they are showing such affection as the doe and the stag do for each other. There is a male Whitetail and a female Blacktail, the female was putting her head underneath the male's chin, her ears folded back, and both of their eyes closed. Kaylein watched them with loving eyes of how pure the love for these four deers is unbreakable, however, this moment didn't last for very long, for the stag and doe had their ears on high alert and the doe's tail rose to the air alerting that there was danger. Kaylein looked around trying to find where the danger would be coming from, then, out in the distance, behind the doe, was a hunter, male, dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. But Kaylein, out of pure instinct, ran in front of the family, and used her body as a shield. She glared at the man with such love for the deers that she dedicated her life to protect and help all animals in her forest, so her eyes showed him that she was most definitely not going to budge or be frightened away just because he had a bow and arrow at the ready, and she shouted, "You'll not harm this family of deer! Not now! NOT EVER! Now, either you put your bow and arrows down and vow to never harm any of these animals again, or you can go ahead and shoot! So, what's it going to be?!" She paused unshaken of what might happen to her here and now. But to her shock and relief, the man slowly puts his bow and quiver of arrows upon the ground, and finally spoke, "I won't hurt an innocent young woman... Even though I need the meat the stag would have provided," he sighed before continuing, "But, I will just have to think of something else." Kaylein gently smiled at him as he chose to let the deers roam in the forest unharmed and happy. "Thank you for letting their families grow." The man looked at her before he spoke, "Well, to be fair, you didn't leave me much of a choice." Kaylein softly chuckles before responding, "There is more to this forest than meets the eye I will show you what this wonderous place has to provide." They walked downstream of the brook, wondered about a block from their previous location, and came to a lake that has many of the woodland creatures all around the bank as well as the berry bushes growing nearby taking advantage of what the lake had to contribute for them. Rosalina and the hunter walked up to one of the bushes that had several Sambucus Mexicana, or elderberries upon it, the deer were munching and enjoying some Vaccinium Parvifolium, also known as red huckleberries that were the majority of the berries that were around the bank, and the Snowshoe Hares were nibbling on multiple dandelions. Once everyone ate their fill of berries they maneuvered over to the lake and drank until their thirst was quenched, the hunter looked at Kaylein with such amazement that she has lived this way for so long and yet, looks healthy as if she has had a balanced diet or something or other. Kaylein took notice of him watching her as she is scooping up the water in her hands and drinks it so slowly and carefully as if she is trying not to drink more than her share of the water, once she had enough water she turned to him and asked, "Why are you staring at me so intently hunter?" "Greg, my name is Greg. I didn't mean to stare, it's just-just that I am amazed of how you have been in these woods for a while and yet, you look so healthy as if you have a balanced diet. Oh! I didn't mean to seem like I was offending you or anything of the sort. But, do you live near these woods or do you live in the woods?" Kaylein smiled and nodded at the ironic situation of her figure because she was reminded why men were so typical at judging her build before they got to know her, why she left her village for the forest, and replied, "I live here now and I have never felt more at home, but it's nice to meet you, Greg. My name is-" She cut herself off realizing that if she gave him her real name, if he was from her village, correction, if he still lives in the village that she left, then he tells someone that they met, would cause her some trouble with a search party. She had to come up with a clever name to clear the scent of the trail, name wise, so no one would come looking for her and harm the forest in doing so, she then responded, "Amillia, so, do you live near here or do you live in the woods now too?" She looked at him with such curiosity of wanting to hear his answer which was, "I live in a village about twenty miles to the east from this location." Kaylein could say nothing for her hunch was right, he was from her village, but hopefully, with her alias name, no one would search for her. Back when Rosalina was thirteen, her father, King Philip Leopold Evergreen, he was so mind set of giving his only daughter, Kaylein Aquamarine Evergreen, her hand in marriage to the man he found suited for her. He was so keen on finding her a husband that he never considered her feelings or thoughts about the matter, for he felt like she had absolutely no say and that it wasn't open for a discussion or negotiation for her terms to be implied. He wanted her to marry the prince in the next kingdom over, Prince Rulf Dicun Alistair, the third son of King James Fitzgerald Alistair, Prince Rulf was not a kind person, in fact, he was abusive to his female servants, aggressive towards his male servants, disrespectful to his knights, and above all, immensely unkind to the citizens of his kingdom, he would bully, be hard on the taxes, and savagely beat them whenever he felt like it. Kaylein really didn't want to have anything to do with him and she tried to talk her father out of it, in doing so, she headed to his study, and confided in making her statement by confronting him unexpectedly. She burst through the door that made such a LOUD bang that made everyone in the area jolt with such shock and awe that a princess is behaving in such a manner of entering the room. "Father, PLEASE reconsider this whole ordeal with me marrying Prince Rulf. Haven't you seen his actions towards his people? He is not only abusive towards his servants, but to his men, AND his subjects as well! How could you POSSIBLY think that he would be the best suiter for me to marry?! He is a cruel person and not to mention that he is ambitious, egotistic, boorish, merciless, heartless, uncultivated, uncivilized, and ferocious, and that's just to name a FEW of the personality traits he has!" She steadily increased her tone in speaking ill-will about Prince Rulf when she spoke those words to her father. "That is enough out of you, young lady! This isn't a discussion especially when you entered the room, UNANNOUNCED, in front of the other kings from our neighboring kingdoms for that matter!" King Philip Leopold Evergreen snapped back at her and continued, "Not only have you disrespected me, but Prince Rulf's father, who by the way, is sitting right there." Kaylein looked passed her father and was now looking at a disapproved King James Fitzgerald Alistair, who spoke up, "King Philip, I most agree with your daughter, even though her actions are inexcusable, her words made up for it, for she is right about my son acting the way that he is, for I don't know why he has become this man who disgraces my family's name and what we believe for our people and subjects. Your daughter is strong minded, her willpower doesn't go unnoticed, and she shouldn't be with someone like my youngest son. You must find someone who will respect her, protect, and won't treat her like some kind of prized trophy."