July 23, 2011

Early in the morning, after filing some police reports, Sigmund and Hakon rush to headquarters to talk to the rest of the team. As soon as they arrive, they enter one of the meeting rooms on the top floor. The team gathers, but Alan is missing. "Ashton, where is Alan?"

"Not sure. I tried calling him, but no answer," Ashton answers. "He didn't leave until late last night."

"Sayar, go to Al's house and see if he is home," Sigmund says.

"Yes, sir." Aharon leaves the office.

"Ashton, I need my whole family protected. Get a unit at my brother's house, along with a unit with my wife and Hakon's family. I want around-the-clock protection on them."

"Yes, sir," Ashton says and goes to make the calls.

"Hayes, go and try and locate Klaus. I want him brought in right away. I need him."

"Yes, sir," Harry goes to work on leads.

Hakon looks at his cousin. "Is there anything you want me to do?" he asks, and Sigmund looks at him.

"Get your wife and daughter and head to Gudmund's place. Stay there, please, and don't leave."

"What about Trine?" he asks, and Sigmund starts to think. He picks up his phone and calls his wife. "Trine, do you have all of the files on Klaus ready?"

"Yes, do you want me to get them?" Trine asks on the other line.

"Yes. Are they at your office?" he asks, and Trine tells him that they are. "Go get them and head straight back to my office. I'll have someone escort you to your office and back to mine." He hangs up and looks back at his cousin. Hakon starts to leave the office.

After Hakon leaves Sigmund's office, he pulls out his cell and starts to call a number. "It's me; we'll have to get started soon. I'll call you as soon as I can." He hangs up and starts walking down the hall.

Later, Officer Aharon Sayar arrives at Alan's house in Harbor City and knocks on his door. Alan's wife answers the door, "Aharon, it's nice to see you again," she says, greeting him.

"Beth, is Alan home?" he asks, and Beth looks confused.

"No, he never came home; I thought maybe he was still at work. I spoke to him last night; he says he would try to come home. He says he is working on a case about some German guy."

"What time did he call you?"

"About nine, before I went to bed," she answers.

"Beth, can you write down the route he always takes to and from work?" Aharon asks, and Beth starts to tell him the routes that Alan takes.

Back at headquarters, Sigmund receives a call about Alan's car being found. "Sayar, be sure to find where and what happened to Alan," Sigmund says on the phone with Aharon as he is on his way to the site. Sigmund hangs up and heads to the monitor room. Once he gets to the room, he sees Maisie, "Agent Berglund, I want you to go and check Alan's desk to see what he was doing last night."

"Yes, sir," Maisie says and goes to check Alan's computer.

Later at the site where the patrol car found Alan's dark blue 2009 Honda Stepwgn, Aharon arrives and looks over the car. With him is Chelsea, and she is looking around the front seats. "It appears that he was run off of the road," Aharon says, looking at the skids marks on the road.

"I see the off-duty gun that he keeps under the dash," Chelsea says. "He only takes it out if someone hostile is after him." She gets out and moves to the side of the car. "The car that rammed him had to be a van," she says, and Aharon walks over to her. "You can see how big the dent is, and good thing it wasn't by the driver door. A hit like this could really jam the door."

Aharon looks around at the road, "I see three different skid marks, which means there was a second car. One belongs to Al's Honda, and the second one belongs to the van that hit him. The third belongs to a car that took Alan. But what happened to the second car?"

"It had to be damaged, so they must have taken it somewhere to be dumped. But who would want to kidnap Alan?"

Aharon looks around. "I guess it would be Klaus. He has been working on tracking him down."

"But the profile on Klaus doesn't say anything about abductions," Chelsea says as she walks to Aharon. "Unless he orders someone to abduct him and—"

"To use him as bait for Sigmund and our team," Aharon answers. "Call a truck to come and pick up the car. I'll let Sigmund know we are going to bring it to the garage." He starts to call Sigmund and wonders why Alan was near Bolsa Chica State Beach and Bolsa Bay in the first place.

As they got the car to the garage and Chelsea's team started going through the Honda, they managed to find some clues. Chelsea goes up to Sigmund's office and sees Sigmund getting off of the phone. Sigmund looks up and sees Chelsea. "Got anything off of the car?"

"Yes, we managed to get a fingerprint of the front driver side door," she says and hands him a tablet showing a photo of a man. "This is Azar Sherazi, a Persian American, born and raised in New York City. Azar's parents moved to America before he was born. Azar has a huge rap sheet and has been arrested for many things. Most of them were for murder."

"Why isn't he still in prison?" Sigmund asks as he hands the tablet back.

"Because of a lawyer. I wasn't able to get the name and why he helped Azar, but I'll try and get it figured out."

"Thanks. Any word on where Alan might be?"

Maisie walks into the room, "Excuse me, sir, we just managed to locate Agent Sutton."

Sigmund gets up and grabs his gun, "Send me the address, I'll head there with Ashton. Call Sayar and tell him to meet us at the location." Maisie nods, and Sigmund leaves the office.

Later, they arrive at an abandoned shopping mall in Hawthorne. They decide to split up and walk around the mall; Ashton takes the second floor, Sayar takes the parking area, and Sigmund checks the first floor. Sigmund enters the abandoned Broadway store and starts to look around. He hears something, moves toward the sound, turns around the corner, and sees Alan tied to a chair.

"Al," he says and calls Ashton and Sayar on his earpiece, "Found Al, he is in the abandoned Broadway store." He sees that Alan isn't moving and checks his side, "Al? Alan, are you ok?" he asks and checks his pulse on his neck. Sigmund removes his fingers from Alan's neck and sees blood; he looks closer and sees that his neck had been sliced open. Sigmund bows his head and closes his eyes. "I am going to kill the one who murdered you, my old friend. Please rest," he gets up and hears clapping. He turns and sees Klaus walking up to him, clapping.

Klaus stops. "Wow, it's a shame to see a good friend of yours dead," he smirks.

Sigmund draws his gun and aims it at Klaus, "Don't move; I have back up on the way."

"You mean Ashton and Aharon? They are busy right now but don't worry. They'll die as well."

"Why did you kill Alan?"

"Because he found out many things about my hacker and learned more about me, so I decided to have Azar attack him when he was on his way home to his wife. I am sure Alan's wife will be happy to join him in the afterlife. Same with yours," he says, smiling.

"What are you talking about? My wife is safe," he says, and Klaus shakes his head slowly.

"I know she is on her way back to your office with all of the files you got on me. Just enough to put me away for life without needing any witnesses," he says and starts to walk as Sigmund keeps his gun trained on him. "Look, I want to put the Thoresen family out of my way, so I need to kill you and your wife. I don't need to worry about your little brother or your baby sister. They are in the military and are too busy to come after me," Klaus stops as he laughs. "I guess I'll kill you and be happy that you and your wife are dead. Even your unborn son, little Ulrich, won't be able ever to see the world."

Sigmund looked shocked at how Klaus knew he would have a son and what his name was going to be. He starts to growl, puts his gun away, and charges in with his knife out in his left hand.

Ashton is busy dealing with some of Klaus' goons in a shooting match. Ashton hides behind a column as bullets fly at him. As the bullets stop, he turns around and shoots back at them. Aharon is in a shootout with Azar, and Aharon is shot in the upper right shoulder.

Azar walks up to Aharon and raises his gun again, "Time for you to die," Azar says and shoots Aharon in the right knee, causing him to fall. Azar shoots Aharon's left arm and kicks the gun away.

"Go ahead and kill me, you bastard. I don't have a family to go home to," he growls.

"But you do have a sister. A sister who loves her big brother," he smirks, and Aharon's eyes widen.

"What are you talking about?"

"She is still alive and is being held against her will by—" he stops, points the gun at Aharon's head, and answers his phone. "Yes, boss," he says. After listening on the phone, he hangs up and looks at Aharon. "I guess I won't kill you, but my boss wants me to give you a message." He kneels to Aharon, "Your sister will stay alive, but she will never get freedom ever again. And she'll never see you, just her master."

Aharon growls, "My baby sister has been missing for five years. Where is she?"

Azar smiles, "I'll tell her you to say hi," and he smacks him hard with the butt of the gun. Aharon falls to the ground, knocked out. Azar starts to walks off as he puts his gun away. He grabs his cell and calls his boss back. "It's all good, Mr. Gustafsson. I'll see you on the island in two days."

Ashton finishes taking down the goons, and his cell rings. "Watson," he answers. It was Maisie on the other line saying that they couldn't get a hold of Aharon. "I'll go check on him." He hangs up and looks for his teammate.

Sigmund and Klaus beat each other hard. Klaus receives a text on his cell, and he looks at it quickly and smiles. "I guess it's time for me to tell you this. Your wife is dead. The car she was in just blew up. She was on the way to your office with files on me. Now she is dead, and it's time for you to blow up as well." Sigmund looks confused as to what Klaus is talking about.

"My wife isn't dead, she is alive and—" he stops as his cell beeps and he looks at his cell. His eyes widen, and he looks back at Klaus.

Ashton finally finds Aharon and checks to see if he is alive. He grabs his cell. "This is Lieutenant Ashton Watson, and I am at the abandoned shopping mall in Hawthorne. I need a bus and some backup right away. Right now, my partner Colonel Sigmund Thoresen is fighting a criminal named Klaus Krueger. I am in the abandoned parking structure at the mall. One of my teammates has been shot a couple of times." He finishes on the call and then calls Maisie, "Maisie, I need you to try and see if Sigmund is still here at the mall. Track down his cell," he says.

Maisie tries to locate Sigmund's cell and finds it. "He is at the former Broadway store," she says on the other line.

Ashton walks over and looks at the store closest to him. "I see the store," he says.

"Sir, I am getting heavy heat energy coming from the store. I think there might be some bomb there," she says.

Before Ashton could say anything, the store blows up, sending a huge wave toward the parking structure. The huge wave blast hits Ashton and sends him flying to the ground. Ashton hits the ground hard, knocking him out cold. Ashton can hear Maisie's voice over the cell calling Ashton's name as he fade out.