Strange feeling

It was five days after that birthday incident, and things spiraled out of control for the entire three days.

With Jacques immobile without any indication of what could happen to him as others that broken arm and bruises from Aegis punches, he was very healthy.

Such doctors were unable to diagnose the cause of his current predicament...

Aegis was asked numerous times to be detectives and even military as Jacques was the biggest supplier of dust on Remnant...

Of course, Aegis just says he doesn't know and that if they will follow with their investigation and push their boundaries even more, they could very well say goodbye to Atlas economy as the more times they ask or hold Aegis from his current duty as an heir of SDC he would lose even little chance to stabilize kingdoms dust shipments...

Atlas council and Military, not seeing any other way they released Aegis from his custody and made him promise that he would stabilize his company as they couldn't do it themselves without being seen as a greedy and corrupt government if they tried to take SDC for themselves.

In the end, Aegis was cleared of all charges as he was just seen protecting his family from his abusive father...

And to Aegis irony, they weren't wrong...

In the end, after three days of continuous questioning and witnessing in person the bad and good cop charade, they tried to pull on him as they thought that their threats would immediately cove thirteen years old.

Unfortunately for them, they were met with just an icy glare from the blue eyed and black haired boy...

So now that Aegis was flying back home in bullhead as to evade the human piranhas or commonly know as paparazzi, he was thinking about his next steps...

When Aegis was ten years old, he became heir of SDC as his sister, finally having enough of their overbearing father given up of that title and run to Atlas military school...

Leaving his mother and Weiss there...

Thankfully for all of them, the moment she gave up on her title, it fell upon him, and father didn't care enough about mother or Weiss so Aegis could do what his name implies and be shield what protected his family from their father...

Winter, not seeing the evil smile Jacques did have when she turned and marched from his office, completely obvious of the fact that their father Jacques played with her and provoked her with a clear intent to make her give her title to his son, who is better suited to inherit SDC family...

Jacques never thought that he dig his own grave as the moment Aegis find out he was heir, he immediately started planing on the situation where he would need to overthrow his father and take things into his own hands...

It did take Aegis years of planning and practice of his semblance control.

Aegis planned to make an incident where his father will fall from the stairs as it would be seen as an unfortunate incident.

Alas, his father chose for him, and Aegis no longer could just watch how he hurt his family, and the moment he hurt Weiss was the moment all Aegis doubts and any idea of redemption of his father was thrown into the trash can...

No, the slap he gave Weiss sealed Jacques fate to be forever a prisoner of his own body, and Aegis will make sure that he will die in old age as he will make him watch tv news about how he changes the world with the Schnee family and repairs all damage Jacques done to his family and everyone...

He will let him watch all of his accomplishments perish and all of the dear money he hoarded given away to ones he despised most, the faunus and all who he hurt in his terror rule...

And all of this is possible thanks to the Schnee family semblance, as Aegis used numerous miniature glyphs to sever his father's nervous systems that commanded body...

Small enough to not be found but big enough for permanent damage...

Now that Aegis was in charge of SDC as even if he was thirteen years old as the Remnant age restriction was very lax when it comes such situations.

Aegis's next problem would be the SDC board of directors and shareholders, but he is prepared. Thanks to his planning for years, Aegis was able to dig up a lot of incriminating evidence for every member of his father's small empire...

He will make them see reason one way or another...

And if not?

Then the life threatening incidents could happen to everyone...

And there wasn't even one person who wouldn't deserve it as the more Aegis found, the more he wished to just purge them and send them to eternal hell...

Slavery, Rape, Corruption, Nepotism, Money laundering, Murder, and so much more than Aegis was just sick from reading what these so-called upstanding citizens had done...

And now the leader who always shielded them and sometimes even helped them was no more there.

They would try to either make Aegis into their puppet or curry favor with him...

Either way, Aegis promised himself that he would take a long shower after his meeting with them...

Aegis would think more if not for bullhead to land as it reached his destination...

Aegis stepped out of the bullhead and immediately was greeted with a ten-year-old girl with white hair and a diagonal scar across her left blue eye running to him with all of the speed her little feet could make her...


Weiss shouted as she jumped into Aegis's embrace, making him catch her and spin her around to Weiss's amusement as she just clung to him like a little white koala with her white coat and hair...

"There there, Weiss, did you forget your manners in these three days I was gone?"

Aegis says with a fake frown, and Weiss just ignores him in the prospect of enjoying his warm arms and chest.

"No, big brother, but you forbade me to use manners teachers teach us when im with just you."

Weiss just stick out her tongue, and Aegis just laugh good nature as he sighs in relief as if wight of the world fallen from his shoulders...

Aegis feared...

He feared that his little sister would fear him and see him as the monster he is and abandoning him as his mother and sister have done...

He feared being alone again...

Bud, now that he could see that Weiss is happy to be with him swore to protect the smile his little sister now have as strange warmth started to build in his chest...

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, my little snowflake."

Aegis falls on his knees as he holds Weiss with more strength.

His confused little sister just strengthens her grip on Aegis as she is witnessing her big brother, who never cried or showed even slight weakness to be in such a state...

She let him cry as she herself started cry holding each other they just cried as they sat in a garden that was bathed in white snow...

Not seeing the shadows of two female forms in mansion different windows which looked at them longingly as they griped curtains with sadness...